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Katosepe321 Blog

am i a horrible person?

So at school today, I got a b-day invitation from... well ill be blunt. One of the ugliest girls in our grade. Anyway, of course im not going but at first i decided to be nice and just say im going somewhere else that day WITH MY GIRLFRIEND (<--- i figure that would get her off my back for a while =P) but instead I ended up finding another really ugly girl (now that i think about it they look pretty much identical... ewww....) and giving her the invitation saying the first girl asked me to give it to her. Well much to my disbelief, the second girl believed it and me and my friends had a good long laugh about it. Now im kinda wondering if she is actually going to go... that would be hilarious and make me feel really bad at teh same time. hmmm... Well i suppose it was uber funny so w/e.

On to video games, I just added a whole bunch of incredible looking games to my tracking list so you should check it out and see if theres any you havent seen yet. Their all hopefully gonna be kickass. BTW im gonna be gone all this weekend so im not gonna be answering any msgs or postin anything on this blog for a little while. Msg me with any updates that happen this weekend (im gonna be totally cut off from the rest of the world but at an awesome place) so that i dont get too out of the loop. K peace out all.

My arm is back!

Well, I had to get up early on my sleep-in day (our school has late starts every Wednesday) but i got my splint off so now I can use my left arm again! Woot! I got pretty good at one handed typing but im still a lot faster with two. Anyway, my video game skillz will hopefully be back to normal now and I can take on anyone! woot!

BTW I've been writing a bunch of reviews lately and it would be awesome if people could comment on them. Say what they like and what I need to change and stuff. I'd like to maybe try getting a job working for gamespot for a while a little later in my life so it would be a big help. K thats all I had to say. Peace out everyone.


Well I have nothing video game related to talk about today so I'm gonna talk about anime. I seperate anime into two different catagories: super-powers and no super-powers. Super-power shows would be like yu yu hakusho, or inuyasha. non-super power shows would be like Samurai Champloo or Full Metal Panic! I'd say, in general, I like the non-super power shows better simply because I watch more of them. My favorite SP show would have to be yu yu hakusho because thats what really got me into anime on the net. my fav NSP show would definitely have to be full metal panic cuz its hilarious and action-packed at the same time. Everyone has different reasons for watching anime. Mine really has nothing to do with the fact that its japanese or because of the culture or anything like that. I just luv hearing a good story. Most american cartoons or shows in general are just comedies with no continuing storyline. There might be basic things that carry over (like this guy likes this girl) but mostly the story ends after the hour is up. )Outside of anime, thats why i luv shows like Lost and Invasion. Anyway back to anime. I seriously think most people could find a genre of anime that they like. Shows are so different that you cant just group all  anime together. Thats like saying CSI and the OC are the same show. I recommend people go visit sites like (not sure if thats still up actually...) or and see if they can find something they really like. Cyaz

post- da vinci code thoughts

Well after all is said and done, the da vinci code movie by Ron Howard... sux. The acting is believable but blah. They change certain key things from the book that make the movie even wierder with even more bizarre things from the book. For anyone that has seen the movie or read the book. I feel an extreme need to set the record straight. The main con/cover-up/w/e u want to call it that the movie wants to explain is that Jesus was married to Mary Magdaline. While this is a possibility, there is no actual physical evidence that this is true. They say, in the movie and book, that there are clues to this being true in Leonardo Da Vinci's painting, The Last Supper. The clues are very superficial such as, "Mary's and Jesus's clothes are mirror images" and "if you move them like this then they are leaning on each others shoulders." What I have to say to this is, people ran up and kissed Jesus, the fact that IF YOU MOVE THE FIGURES (they arent even in the position originally) they are kind of hugging means nothing really. Anyway, even if all these subtle things are actually hinting towards it. Who made Da Vinci the expert on Jesus' love life? Most would then say to this, he was the leader of a secret society! that means he knows! No... the same people who come up with this stuff say that they have seen Elvis in shopping malls. There is no proof that this, Priory of Sion ever was guarding anything. I'm not sure on the exact details of the priory, but I'm pretty sure that they were never even around in Da Vinci's time, or if they ever even existed. If you want to hear more about something in particular from Da Vinci Code, either email me or look it up online. There are plenty of news articles talking about it. For those of you wondering, yes I am Christian but I am not catholic or opus dei. Im a methodist ( a sect of protestantism) and am basically impartial on the whole, Dan Brown vs. the catholics thing. I personally liked the book just not some of the "facts" in it. Aside from all the BS, the movie still wasn't very interesting and kind of dragged on and on. Well enough of my ranting.

Anyone have any really good RPG's for xbox, ps2, gc, dc, or psp. plz tell me cuz im lookin for more games to play. Im gonna be pickin up the next xenosaga soon but its always good to have a long queue on gamefly. =). Peace out everyone. Next post wont be so rant-like.

P.S. yay im part of a union now!

pre- da vinci code thoughts

well im going to see da vinci code in about 2 hours and decided to post my thoughts on it in advance. I understand all the stuff Dan Brown wrote about, he specifically said was fiction, but then why did he write it at all. Thats like me saying that "George Bush is a middle-eastern man but thats not true" Theres no point to it. So i dont exactly agree with all the stuff Brown did but i did still like the book. I read it before Angels and Demons (they have basically the same plot) so I thought the story was really good for Da Vinci Code. The movie though, I heard broke off from the story way too much which is kind of dissapointing. I figure a bunch of it is political and that they dont wanna piss to many people off. Well i think they kinda blew that already so they should have just left the religious sex stuff in there. And thats pretty much it. I'll post more after I've seen it. more then.

On to video game news, Well E3 is over for another year and I wasnt too excited about anything really. the systems are cool but so far, no games (except halo 3) have excited me much. Square-Enix IMHO made a stupid move by announcing FFXIII before FFXII has even come out. It gives the impression that they just skip to new things before finishing the old ones. .Hack//G.U's battle system has been announced as being almost the same as the first one but with more player vs. player battles. Not sure if that will make things more interesting or not. Guess we're just gonna have to see. SSBB sounds cool so i guess im looking forward to that. Peace out all.

easy 10's...

I've been reading some user reviews recently and i must say that people give out 10's WAAAAAAAY too easily. It seems as if just about every game I look at has gotten a 10 outta 10 from someone. Come on guys. 10 outta 10 means the game is perfect in every way. I try to never give out 10's because I have never seen a perfect game. Sure there are great games out there but most are by no means perfect. My favorite game of all time, Grandia 2, i still think there are ways it could be improved. Anyway, I think that people need to give a little more thought into there reviews. when games like Full Metal Alchemist get 10's... you know something is wrong. Well, thats all for now. BTW anyone reading this who has liked grandia, check out grandia online. Hopefully, its gonna b kickass. Peace.

Live from skyline high school...

Well right now i'm posting from digital imaging class and Photoshop is REALLY glitchin up. I got this great kingdom hearts wallpaper btw (i have 2 but my friend did most of the second so im not gonna take any credit for that one) email me if u wanna c it. Anyway, still wonderin about the emblems and rly wishin someone would explain the system 2 me lol.

I'm almost done with episode 1 of xenosaga (im gonna try and finish it 2nite or at least get close) then i can start on episode 2. Im rly lovin the religous references and I'm amazed that there was a religion out there that I had never even heard of! For those of u that havent played xenosaga (probably most of the people reading this...) it uses a lot of references from a religion called gnosticism which seems to b a bit of a mix between christianity and buddhism. I'm embarrassed to say that I have never so much as heard the name before playing this. I love understanding and finding out about different religions so it bothers me that theres still tons I dont know. Or maybe it excites me that theres still so much left to learn. Well, I'm done with my rambling now. Peace out everyone. (BTW watch the show invasion. I dont want it to go off the air!!! and watch lost too but theres no way thats getting cancelled)

Smash Bros Brawl

K i just saw the e3 trailer and I got the chars that I saw. Mario, Link, pikachu, kirby, samus will b making a comeback. the newcomers I saw were zero suit samus (anyone wanna tell me what this is?), Wario, Metanight (from Kirby), pit (kid Icarus), and I saw pics of Snake (metal gear solid). Some courses I saw were a metanight themed course with a giant blimp with his face on it. as well as a nintendogs themed course. Now if this was a course, item or even playable character, I couldn't tell for sure. No sign of any capcom character but theres always hope. (lets hope for sonics appearace too) peace out everyone, more news as I hear it. 

emblems? and some news!

So I started lookin around at some other peoples blogs and I started noticing the emblems on the sides. Hmm... so many different emblems and all i have is the boring grey one! I wonder how much I have to do to get some more...

Anyway, on to my awesome gaming news. I dont know how many people know this but apparently, the nxt smash bros game is goin to have third party characters!! I hear that snake is goin to be a playable char. How tight would that be?! I'm about to go net surfin and find out if its true and if there's any other rumors/news goin around that i missed. Along w/ that, Wario is gonna make an appearance and i'm assumin waluigi isnt gonna be far behind, also (still not totally sure how true this is) I hear Kid Icarus will be in it. A little random yes but cool still. Lets all  pray for a capcom deal (we can get a more mega man based smash =D). More news as I hear it. peace out all.

Next Gen's continued...

hmm... well im still not sure about which next gens im gonna get... I used to be concrete about gettin the ps3 and i still am leanin towards them, but now im gettin rly excited over the wii (which ive finally managed to say without laughin my ass off.) Im pretty sure im not gonna get the 360 cuz there isnt anythin rly exciting about it. I admit that halo3 probably would have gotten me 2 buy it but since its comin out for the ps3 too, not rly any reason to get it. One thing I've been wonderin about 4 a while is how are multi system games goin to work? If it's out for the 360, its gonna b rly hard to convert that over to the wii due to the controllers. and vice versa too. Is this line of systems gonna b the end of multi-system games?! I rly hope not. That would kill me when im tryin to figure out which system... well thats all 4 now. peace out.