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Katosepe321 Blog

Finally back!

Hey everyone! Back from college visits and overall, not a very exciting trip. First day was a 6 hour drive to University of Montana which is actually a very nice college. Great campus, laid back people (as to be expected from Montana lol), and lots of cool stuff to offer including their very own mountain with a giant M on it. When i first got to the town Moussoula (i'm sure i didn't spell that right and if ur from montana reading this, I'm sorry!), I was almost sure i didn't want to go here for college. Apparently, the motel we stayed at was in a bad part of town and there were casinos and drunks everywhere. As funny as drunk people are, i wasn't sure i wanted to spend 4 years of my life constantly worried about being mugged by some crazy, drunk hobo's. And there were no video game stores that i could see! and that would suck!! Although, when i actually went to the campus, it was really nice with some awesome people so pretty good experience. I figure they have to have a game store somewhere and even if they don't i can always order online. Also i learned that their creative writing program (which is what i want to major in), is top 10 in the nation and their masters program is number 3 so that's definitely a plus! finally, the restaraunts were amazing there and relatively cheap too and we have friends that live near there who said i could come and stay any time if i got sick of dorm food. So right now i'm definitely leaning towards them for college.

On Friday, we drove to Eastern Washington University, half cuz i was kinda interested in the college and half just cuz my brother goes there and my parents wanted to see him (not that i didn't too just i would have rather gone home cuz i was tired lol). So we spent some time there and i talked to one of the creative writing prof's there. He was really cool and didn't even mind that we were half-an-hour late to meet him (stupid scheduling errors on our part). He was really eccentric too but in a good way. It's far better to have an eccentric prof than a boring one. He also seemed brilliant and has already published a bunch of books (not that UM's prof's havent, but i'm really interested in readin his books after talking to him lol). Fourth day was just kind of a hang out day and we wandered around Spokane/Cheney doing random things. We went to an exotic cat zoo where they had lions and puma's and stuff. The coolest part of that was that they had a real-life Liger there. Apparently, if the dad is a lion, they call it a liger and if the lion is the mom, it's a tigon. The only way a liger/tigon is born is through captivity breeding. That was kinda cool. Then we saw Disturbia, that new movie with Shia LaBeouf (think i spelled that right...), which was amazing!! Best horror movie i've seen in a long time. Highly recommend that. Finally, last day, today, said our good-byes to my bro and drove home.

So i guess the trip wasn't too bad but my family was getting on my nerves a lot of the time so i was kinda bitter throughout a lot of it. But as far as stuff we did, it was fun and i'm pretty positive i'm gonna go to UM for my undergrad and then go to Eastern for my Masters. So that's whats goin on in my life. Now i have to catch up on a buttload of homework that forgot to bring. Peace everyone!

Even More Stuff

Lol Zalzar, like my title 8) 

Ok first off, i got the collectors emblem!!! yay!!! That means i have over 200 games. Collectors was one of the first ones i saw on gamespot and i thought the description was hilarious so i'm glad i finally got it. Secondly, I'm borrowing a friends DS lite and the games i got are Metroid Prime: Hunters, New Super Mario Bros., and Super Mario 64 DS. Unfortunately, i don't have the charger with me so if it runs out of batteries, thats it for the DS. I'm probably gonna start with New Super Mario Bros since i've wanted to play that for a long time.

 Second, I got my Wii hooked up to the internet yesterday so i'll post my Wii number when i get back so i can play stuff online!! although the only game i have right now is Wii Sports... o well. that's hella fun.

Ok i think thats it. I just can't resist posting a blog for very long :P. I promise i'll have something more interesting (and probably really long too lol) when i get back. Peace!!

More stuff!

Yeah, i just couldn't leave without saying some more stuff lol. Well, after a fun half-an-hour walk from my skool to EB games after working hard in the theatre doing tech work and bringing stuff up and down a stupid ladder for an hour... I got a WII!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!! freakin sweet!!! unfortunately, i haven't had time to actually do anything with it yet so i'm just kinda sitting here staring at the box before i go do Stations of the Cross for my church (i get to be jesus! lol). BTW, in case u don't know what stations of the cross is, its where we have people that make sort-of freeze frames, showing the crucifixion of Jesus. So like, when he gets condemned, when he's carrying the cross, when they actually nail him to the cross, stuff like that just to show people the kinda crap he went through. And christian or no, he went through a helluva lot, u can't deny that. So doin that.

Also, just found out i get to see this Improv show tomorrow which is supposed to be really good (although it's hard to say since it's improv...) so looking forward to that especially since i get to see one of my best friends in the whole FREAKIN WORLD!!! who i hardly get to see anymore :cry: . Ok. now think i might be leaving. Although i could post something else after the improv show who knows. hahaha well peace everyone!

Some random stuff!

Hey everyone! It's time for more random stuff! Woot! So first off, I got a new cell fone yesterday and it's SOOOOOO FREAKIN AWESOME!!! First thing i did was get Sonic the Hedgehog on it (the original) and just sat there listening to the music. Ahh... good times :D. So thats pretty cool except apparently i turned on some kind of reminder setting so it started beeping in class cuz i got a txt msg... yeah that didn't go over too well X_x.

Also, lets see... i know i've posted some of this before but I'm gonna do a recap of all the gaming stuff i've gotten in the last week.

  • Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
  • Fable: Lost Chapters
  • Legend of Heroes 2: Prophecy of something or other...
  • Prey (for comp)
  • EB games is getting a new shipment of Wii's at the end of this week so i'm going to get one of those
  • And finally, my friend's lettin me borrow his DS with New Super Mario Bros. and Metroid Prime Hunters for my trip next week.

And that leads me into my trip next week! I'm going on college visit stuff (i'm a junior so my parents are freakin out about it and want to go see like every college in the state :P) next week so i'll be gone apparently Wednesday thru Sunday on that trip. Also, I don't know how much i'll be on in the next few days. It could be that nothing changes but i've been feeling stressed out lately and i've got a whole bunch going on lately (nothing really bad and nothing related to my last post. Just stuff i have to do) so i don't think i'll be very active on GS. So that's why i haven't been commenting on everyones blog posts lately. Sorry about that. I promise after i get back next sunday i'll start commenting again!

I did that Scavenger hunt thing and my best time was 3 minutes so i'm pretty proud of that. I think thats about all the random stuff i can throw into this post for now. Check out the new NiGHTS game for the Wii, if you haven't already. NiGHTS was easily the best game for the Sega Saturn and it's incredible that they're making a sequel so be sure to support it! Peace everyone!

The "Important" Blog Post

Hey everyone! So in my last post i said that in the next one, i had something important to say and here it is.... BUT FIRST! A little news lol. My friend was selling some PS2 games so i went with him to EB games so he could sell them and lucky me, they had a copy of Fable: Lost Chapters for 10 bucks! Woot! So i pick that up (after having to wait for my mom to get here since i'm not 18 and its M) and I'm looking forward to playing it right after this!

K my important thing. So lately, i've been talking to some people about this one person i know who has been really depressed lately. Not really emo, just kinda depressed. These people i talk to have all been saying the same basic thing. "I don't really like talking to her anymore cuz shes depressed and it really wrecks my mood." I really, really don't like to hear this. It's one of the most selfish things i think i've ever heard. You're friends with someone and then, when they're going through a rough time, instead of helping them out when they so clearly need someone, you ditch them because u don't want a mood-killer. I think one of the most important parts of being a friend is to be with that person no matter what. That's a true friend. Not just someone to be with when they're in a good mood. It's one thing if the person seems to be perpetually pessimistic and gloomy. That's sometimes just the person's personality. But if you're friends with someone that's going through a rough time, don't just ditch them because u don't wanna have to deal with it. You should stick with them and try and help out in any way u can so that they can get through it and get on with life. Maybe its just me, but that seems like the logical, nice thing to do yet i've been hearing the exact opposite so often lately. Just wanted to throw my opinion out there.

So sry, if this wasn't the really important, ground-breaking post u were expecting, but hopefully, at least it gave you something to think about. And now, off to play Lost Chapters!!! WOOT!!! Peace everyone!

Sry guys, no injury stories...

Hey everyone! I'm back from Schweitzer. Not so sure it's good to be back tho. Sure i've got Gamespot, my cell, twilight princess and berserk to come back to, but i've also got my family (who can be annoying as hell like most families :P), school and some other crap i have to deal with. Meh.

Anyway, Schweitzer, well turns out there were horrible conditions on the slopes so the sledding hills were closed when we got there... Psh weak. That means no injury stories like i promised before :(. Basically, we just kinda hung out up there for most of the weekend. The lodge we stayed at was owned by one of the other churches we went with and it came with an air hockey table, pool table, ping pong table and a foose ball table. So that was cool. I played buttloads of air hockey lol. Other than that, we watched two movies, one was that 13 going on 30 chick flick movie (still not entirely sure why we watched it...) and it sucked. It was slightly better than i expected but that was only cuz my expectations were so incredibly low. The other movie we watched was One Night with the King which is a bible movie about Ester and Xerxes (the bad guy from 300 if you've seen that lol) who were apparently really influential in the bible and Israel. Didn't know that. It wasn't too bad but it wasn't incredible either. Just kinda an average movie. Not too much else happened but it was tons of fun. I got to just kinda sit back and relax, hangin out with a bunch of my best friends so never a bad thing. And sometimes it's a good idea to get rid of all the technology for a little while (albeit the DVD player and laptop we used to watch the movies :P).

Also, on friday during school, we had a field trip to a Japanese Skit and Speech Contest for Japanese class which was freakin awesome! Our school just started the program so we only have japanese 1 and 2 and we had one skit for each class. Both of our skits won first place and my class (japanese 1) won a spirit award too (which in this case is a good thing!) so that was freaking awesome. I left early due to the Schweitzer trip so I don't know how one of my friends did in the speech part of the contest but hopefully i'll see her tomorrow and hear some good news :D.

Lately, I've been thinking about something kind of important but I don't want this post to be too long so I'll hold off till next time. Just be forewarned that my next post will be a lot more serious than this one. Wow, that sounds weird ending the post like that... sounds depressing :P. I promise it will (hopefully!) be worth reading lol. Peace!

Really short blog I promise lol

Just telling everyone, i'm gonna be gone till sunday. I'm leaving tomorrow right after school and i won't get back till mid-evening sunday. Gonna be an awesome ski trip with my church. I don't ski tho anymore so my uth pastor, a few other non-skiers, and I are going tubing! WOOT!! Expect a long blog when i get back, i'll probably have tons of injuries with plenty of stories behind them :D. Peace!

OMG!!!!!! (i hate how titles can't be all uppercase...)

So yeah, you guys read my last blog post??? well here's part 2. My bro's back from college (spring break for him) and he uses my comp a lot for random whatever stuff (i dont even know what). Anyway, i got home from skool today to find that he installed some kinda weird online gambling program thing. WELL!!! it was loaded with spyware and adware and crap and it f***ed up my computer probably even more than it was before i fixed it yesterday!!! OMG so freakin pissed. So then i had to go run everything again and scan the comp about 3 times to make sure i got everything. freakin stupid...

Also, I went to EB games today and I was shut down more times than i thought possible at a video game store. Quotes are me, Astricks are my thoughts, nothing is what the guy told me. "Do you guys have silverfall?", uhh..... let me check... no. Oh wait! *i perk up* wait... no. *ouch* (don't worry hankey, i'll have the review for ya still) "Okay..." *i spot a Wii box up above* "O!!! do u guys have any Wii's in stock!" haha are you kidding? No one has any. Thats just a box. *more ouch...* "k... you guys have Fable: Lost Chapters *Hey whatever, i loved the regular one, if its cheap enough, why not.* Well, when they are used, the system only records them as regular Fable so why don't we check. *o boy... rumaging through the used game pile...* (after about 10 minutes of searching) nope we don't have it. *X_x...* "Well, i guess i'll just get God of War 2 then" You 18 yet??? *awwww... **** I'm 17...* "Oh yeah... right... Well, then Twilight Princess" Okay (finally get that) "Hey by the way do you guys hire anyone under 18 to work here? I'm 17." (just flat out) no.

So that's my great EB games story. Uber ouch... Anyway, i left with Twilight Princess for the GC so i guess it all ended okay. Although then i came home to my fun comp problems X_x...

Finally (i promise this is the last thing :P), i finished Hunter the Reckoning: Redeemer and it has, quite possibly, the worst storyline ever... The ending makes absolutely no sense at all and the voice-overs are sub-par with the addition of the GOD AWFUL Redeemer. OMG, her voice made me want to shoot myself X_x. Anyway, full review on that soon (whenever i get around to it... I promise it'll be better than my God of War review lol. Peace everyone!!! Props to you if you read that whole thing :P


Ok. So first of all, I've been having some problems with spyware lately (a normal sacrifice for using Bittorent sites =P) and it's been getting pretty bad. I had these weird ads that i've never seen before where it's just a music file or something playing through the speakers with absolutely no program (as far as i could tell) visible. It was hella weird and it seemed entirely random. Anyway, just today i finally decided it's a good idea to find something that can get rid of it. I've been using Spybot but for whatever reason it couldn't find anything. So searched for the free spyware removers and found Ad-Aware which found the problem. After deleting it, i got spyware blaster which blocks spyware pretty well (i used it on my last comp but forgot about it), and a registry cleaner for good measure. It solved the problem perfectly and now my comps screamin fast once more! So i learned i gotta be way more careful in the future on the net lol. Well I promised this post would be a short one so i'll end it here. Peace everyone!

YAY finally a lighter post!

Hey everyone. Happy to say that this blog post will NOT be dealing with any issues in todays world. Will not be dealing with anything deep or troubling in my life or anyone elses. It is purely a fun post!! woot!! So first. I hit level 15! you know what that means!! An explanation! Nobunaga's Ambition is an old game originally made in 1988. It was later ported to the Genesis and has just recently been released on the Wii's VC and a remake is being released for the DS in japan this april. There is also a Nobunaga's Ambition Online that was released in Japan for the PS2 and it is an MMORPG. There are other sequels and stuff too but i'm going to stick to the original for now. It was released on the NES, Gen, SNES, GB, Wii VC, and DS. It is originally a turn based strategy game where people work to take down Nobunaga. I haven't played it personally but considering the great user reviews, the tons of sequels and spin-off's, it must have been a pretty good game. I'll definitely look it up once i get my Wii.

Also, yesterday, I saw the movie Shooter. It's a very deep, political movie dealing with government conspiracies and, on a slightly deeper level, the fallacy's of our justice system. It tells the story of a man named Bob Lee Swagger who is one of the U.S.'s best sharpshooters who is betrayed by his country twice and now he's pissed. So the movie is basically about how he strikes back. It feels slightly long even though it ends up being only 2 hours. This is probably due to the political nature of the story. Those movies always seem long to me. It is really good though and is brilliantly written and the acting isn't bad either. For you action/spy movie lovers, this is perfect for you. However, it can be a little graphic so be warned. I give it a 4/5 stars.

Also, my brother just came back from college two days ago so that's kinda cool and kinda annoying. He's going to Eastern Washington U and so he's been telling me about college a whole bunch. I personally, am very unsure about college and am wondering how much it's worth it. I'm planning on going, i'm just not taking it as seriously as most people. But we had a really fun smash bros game with one of my friends and one of his and that was hella cool. My bro sux at smash bros. but with a lvl 8 handicap for him and his friend and a 3-4 for me and mine, it was a pretty intense match! I never won but only because my friend is super pro at the game. He won with a 2 handicap once against me at 5 and my bro and his friend at 8. That's pretty freakin crazy IMO. Well, thats it for now. Hopefully, everyone's doin well in ur guys' lives! peace!

lol o yeah!  almost forgot. In case you don't know japanese at all, my last blog post's topic means good day friend. Konichiwa meaning good day and tomodachi is friend. It's probably bad sentence structure (i'm only half way through japanese 1 class) but w/e.