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Katosepe321 Blog

Stupid Glitchspot...

Ugghh... i just got this awesome new Elfin Lied picture that I was gonna set up as my new User Icon but stupid gamespot wouldn't upload it. Well, let me correct that, they would upload it but nothing would show up. So now i have to resort to one of the gamespot icons. weak... Thankfully, I hardly spent any time at all creating it. All I did was resize a picture i found on the net. Good thing too.

So yesterday, I found out that my grandpa had died which basically sux. I didn't know him that well but still, death always sucks... My dad's takin it a lot better than I thought he would. But I'm almost sure he's just hiding it. So yeah, if people could pray for my family right now, that would be awesome. Peace everyone!


Hey everyone! Just wanted to let you know that I finally started using my myspace! I put the link at the top of this blog. Don't worry, this'll still be my main blog and stuff and gamespot will always be my first stop on the net. I just made a myspace so that I could talk and hang out with my non-gamer friends. So if you have a myspace too, add me to ur friends list! Just like here, I'm a friendly guy and will accept all friend requests. Hope to see ya over there too! Peace!

bigger avatars and Pan's Labyrinth!

o weird... i just noticed they changed the sizes of ur avatars. Did that just change? anyway, i got photoshop CS2 working (thinkin about dling the beta for CS3 soon) and i really want to use it again but i don't know what theme i want for my avatar. Any thoughts? I don't want to go with kingdom hearts simply because my banner is kh and i don't wanna seem like too much of a fanboy. I'm thinking i could do FMA (full metal alchemist), .hack//anything, I dont know... i need to play a game or watch a show that inspires me... maybe X TV. hmm... Well, any ideas for anything, tell me!

So yesterday, i just saw Pan's Labyrinth and wow... not at all what i expected. I knew it was going to be more adult oriented than what the ads looked like but wow. Since this is a gamer site, it probably doesn't matter at all, but just so u know it is really really gruesome. Not even close to the saw movies but don't go expecting a happy, pleasant story. It's rated R for a reason. Despite that, it really is an amazing movie. Great storyline, if not a little depressing, but sometimes its good to see a depressing movie. Finally, in case u didn't know, it's all in spanish. There are subtitles but for me anyway, its hard to judge the acting when i'm just reading the subtitles and merely listening to the voice to judge who's talking. From what i could tell with the faces, the acting was pretty bad for most characters including the main girl but for me, it didn't mar the movie at all. Well, thats enough for now. Peace everyone! still haven't finished paper mario, but i'll write a review for it when i do!

Thoughts on Paper Mario!

Hey! I got paper mario: the thousand year door from gamefly and i've spent a couple of days playin it so far. So far, it's a lot better than i expected it to be. It truly is a sequel to super mario rpg and a good sequel at that. I expected the storyline to be really cheesy and boring and i was half right. The storyline is pretty cheesy for the most part but, for some reason, it's not boring at all. I actually like it even when comparing to other RPG's. Of course it is kinda mario cliche, get the seven stars and all that but its a good cliche. I'm only on chapter 3 of 8 so i've got a ways to go but so far, everythings pretty good. The characters are all likable and the character development is horribly simplistic yet for some reason, still really good. I'll write a review of it for gamespot when i'm done so look forward to it! Peace everyone!

Supreme Commander! and Saw 3!

First off, before i lose your attention, anyone have supreme commander yet? I don't like RTS's generally, but i hear it's amazing. Anyone know for sure aside from what gamespot says?

Secondly, I just saw the movie Saw 3. omg... if u don't like gory movies DO NOT WATCH THIS MOVIE!!!! If you do like gory movies... well for one, you have serious issues =P, and two you still will probably be grossed out by this movie. Don't get me wrong, it's really good but also really gross. It's a lot like the first Saw tho where it's not really good until the very end. Then you just think, woah... There are more torture scenes in this one than in any of the others just so u know. WAAAAAAY more. Be warned. Judging by the ending, i'm also positive there will be a Saw 4.

EDIT: Yup, just checked IMDb, Saw 4 is going to be released holloween this year. lololol. it's gonna be an actual sequel to Saw 3 and (how to say this without spoiling stuff from 3...) it will take place immediately after 3 ends.

WARNING! Comments have spoilers from Saw 3 and since the saw movies are all based around the twists at the end, if you haven't seen the movie yet, DONT READ THE COMMENTS! Thou hast been warned...

Lvl 14!

yay lvl 14 and a new title thats kinda embarrasing... Ring King is a boxing game for the NES and, while i haven't personally played it, is really really bad. ForlornHope has a review of it on gamespots gamespace for it and it basically speaks for itself. If u ever end up reading this, nice review btw. Hopefully the next level will be more interesting. In my gaming life, i've got gamecube paper mario game comin from gamefly but its gonna be a while b4 it gets here due to presidents day and all. Monday holidays apparently really screw with the mail service.

I'm here!

Hey everyone! Three day weekend over here for presidents day! It was supposed to be a week but we had a bunch of snow days and they took out the week break so we wouldn't go into the summer. Psh... O well. At least I get a day off. BTW, i have to do some research on a guy named Deng Xiaoping and if anyone knows anything about him (other than the fact that he's chinese. I got that much :P) plz comment.

So i've been playing Suikoden V lately but not as much as i've wanted to. My dad's makin me do a bunch of work with a stupid oven we just got so i havent had much time. Longest Journey is fun but its glitchy on my computer and it crashes after about an hour every time. So annoying but i'm putting up with it for now. Well, just kinda checkin in for now. I promise i'll have something more interesting to say next time. peace!

Longest Journey

I just got the longest journey (prequel to dreamfall in case u didn't know) so i'm gonna be playin that for a while. Not sure if this means i won't be on gamespot for a little while or not. Probably won't make much of a difference but if i'm not on for a day or two, thats why. Peace!

New star wars game!

Wow, everyone needs to check out the new star wars game comin out called star wars: The force unleashed. I've never really been a fan of star wars games (love the movies, most of the games suck) other than the dark forces games, kotor, and Battlefront 1 and 2. Basically, the really good ones. But this looks amazing. At least from what they've said. I know thats nothing to really go on but i have faith. I've got a good feeling about this. New consoles could b a fresh start for star wars games and i'm hopin for it. Ever since i saw the first star wars movies, i've wanted nothing as much as i've wanted a great star wars game where u can truly use the force. O man, if i could become a jedi... Well, enough about that. Check it out for urselves and tell me whatcha think.

wow 3 days...

Uh oh... i've been 3 days without making a blog post! some people are gonna think i left again! Well i didn't. I just wanted as many people as possible to see my dreamfall post. I've been checking back a bunch lately don't worry. Well, i posted a review on guitar hero but i don't like it very much. Plz post your opinions on it and BTW plz tell me about what you think of my articles on I need the feedback. I'm just goin under the name Katosepe so nothing to complicated =P.

In other news... I got Tagger Leader!! woot! I'm glad I have this stepping stone between maker and king. anyone know if there are any more between now and tagger king? Also, does anyone know how to get the (insert system here) afficinado (know i spelled that wrong. w/e) emblem? I think its 30 games for whatever system but if thats wrong plz tell me! I think thats it for now. I just started tracking a bunch of new people and if you wanna know about me, u can just pm me or comment here. W/e you want. I promise, i'm a friendly guy lol. Peace everyone!