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Katosepe321 Blog


Wow, just finished dreamfall: The longest journey for the Xbox. Basically, if u have an Xbox and u like a good story, buy this game. I'll write a review for it after this but seriously. Once you play it u'll understand why i'm saying this but everyone needs to get this game. If it doesn't do well (which it hasn't really in terms of copies sold. Done incredibly in ratings and awards) i dont think they'll make a sequel to it. AND THEY NEED TO MAKE A SEQUEL!!!!!!!!! Well, if u want to know more, read my review. it'll be up in a few minutes.

Pocket Pool news... PLZ READ

Just read the news report for the upcoming PSP "game" called pocket pool... K i just want to know, who buys this sh** they call a video game. Games like this are just stupid. In case you didn't read the news report, the company making it (conspiracy somethin or other) is teaming up with Girl Gone Wild to produce it...

I want to say it right now, I'm a straight guy and I absolutely hate crap like this. All these porno games that they are coming out with just give video games a bad name. The first thing people think of are Hot Coffee but no! there are so many more examples OTHER than GTA. Don't blame all video games problems on Rockstar. Theres, the Guy Game, BMX XXX (which I commend Dave Mirra for taking his name off of that game), Playboy: The Mansion, yes GTA: San Andreas too, Dead or Alive (fighting games as well as the Xtreme series), and even oblivion have crap like this in their games. I'm sick of it! Video games have a bad enough reputation among non-gamers and we don't need to make it worse by supporting these kinds of video games. If you really want to look at porn, search for it on the internet. Sorry parents or anyone else reading this who may be offended, but its there. You don't need to pay the 20-50 bucks buying a video game with it especially when that money is going back to the desperate perverts who made the game in the first place. Guys, games like this aren't gonna help you in any way... The most they will do is make u feel like an idiot for buying it in the first place. I want tell everyone right here, DO NOT BUY THESE KINDS OF GAMES!!! DO NOT SUPPORT THE LOSERS MAKING THESE!!! If we stop buying them, they will stop making them. Sorry if I sound really pissed off but thats because I am. I love video games and I hate seeing their record tarnished more and more by these sick excuses for games. Hopefully, you all do to.

New videos?

So, I was looking through my videos that i've uploaded and I'm lovin the support their getting. I was just curious, which kinda videos do u guys like the most? I'll see if I can't get any more of those kinds of vids to upload. Just comment if you have any kind of preference. Peace everyone!

Finals... uggh...

Well, finals are finally here and my parents are freakin out more than usual. If i don't post anything for a little while, don't be surprised. It'll probably only be for a couple of days. Thankfully, I've got Dreamfall: Longest Journey to look forward too as my next gamefly game. I hear its really good so i cant wait till it gets here. Oh yeah! and i found this really fun game on addicting games called Electric Man 2. If you're ever really bored, check it out. It's a weird multi-man fighting game and kinda hard to describe. Pretty simple though and pretty fun. Well, I gotta go. peace!

Amazed then dissapointed...

Hmm... well I'll answer my own question from my last blog. NO! After playing the amazingly awesome Psychonauts (which I highly recommend to everyone who likes platformer games), I happened upon the horrible Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles. Wow... Well, I don't need to talk about it here, I wrote reviews for both the games so check them out.

On the plus side though! I broke 2000 profile views!! thanks everyone for the support! When I first started this blog, I figured nobody would ever read it but it'd be fun to use as a sort of journal. I never expected this many people to want to read this! thanks!

Hmm... well I'm gonna watch some Black Cat (pretty good anime) and then go to sleep. My finals start tomorrow so wish me luck! Night everyone!

New stuff!

Woot, I've been really busy lately with finals coming up and some other, slightly cooler, stuff too. First off, gaming stuff, along with guild wars factions (wasn't able to get nightfall, sry hankey. I think i'll be doing left 4 dead), i got psychonauts from gamefly and i'm borrowing final fantasy crystal chronicles so lots of cool stuff going on. (one question tho, if anyone knows, does crystal chronicles have any kind of coherent storyline later? I just beat year 1 and haven't really done much but i can't see any kind of storyline at all other than keep getting myrrh...). Haven't really played enough of crystal chronicles to make any sort of judgement yet but psychonauts is REALLY fun. Best platforming game on the xbox easily. Vexx is still fun but psychonauts easily beats it.

Anyway, real life stuff too. After everything being pretty slow in the acting world (for me anyway), I had 3 auditions this week! THATS A LOT!!!! I had one thursday, one friday, and one earlier today. I had to play a huge range in characters too. first, i was an emo/goth kid for a movie. had full make-up and everything. looked pretty tight (in a really not tight way =P). second was a rich kid who went to a boarding school in switzerland but who has to play the badass punk kid. Thats for a series coming out soon (can't say for what cuz that's a spoiler. now that i think about it... i dont know what its called anyway lol) finally, today i had to play an appalachian coal miner for a play. i got a callback for the emo part (apparently i'm a good emo X_x..) and the theatre people were rly impressed, i think. So pretty cool stuff. I don't know whats gonna happen with the tv show thing but i'll definitely post if something goes on with that. How freakin cool would that be if i got to play a recurring character in a tv show??? that would be i wouldn't have to put up a pic of myself on gamespot lol.  well peace everyone! again, crystal chronicles question, if anyone knows plz comment! actually, plz comment anyway! cyaz!

P.S. I get to miss school tomorrow for the callback audition! WOOT!!!

Guild Wars

Wow... i see the complete lack of support for my gamefly blog. ouch. O well. I can't say i blame u for not spending money on my behalf. But i do recommend checking it out anyway.

On to the main part of my post today. I started up playing guild wars again and just wanted to invite anyone who plays to join our guild or even just hang out some time. My characters name is Katosepe the Second and our guild is called Last of the Arcangels. We're trying to build up a strong gvg clan but right now it's a little weak. With a little support tho... who knows. We also help out our own A LOT!!! All of my active characters have their 1.5k thx to my guild. well, peace everyone!


Hey guys! I know I've said this before, but i truly, truly believe that this is the best site out there for video games. Period. If you haven't heard of gamefly, it's a site where you make a list of games that you want and they send them to you for u to keep as long as you want until you send it back and they send you the next game on your list. Pretty cool stuff. Also if you want to keep the game, then you just hit a button on the site, and they'll send you a brand new case and instructions booklet (since you already have the disk) for WAAAAAAAAAAAAY cheaper than buying it anywhere else. Also, you can get stuff from the gamefly store which is really cheap (and not just for the crappy games either) which comes with free shipping, if your a member, and you get free rewards simply for being a member. Once you hit 3 months, you get 5 dollar gift certificates every month, then at 6 months you automatically get 10% off everything in the store along with your 5 dollars a month, then finally, at 1 year, you get 20% off everything in the store. Really, good deal. It's only 16 bucks a month too so its WAY cheaper than going out and buying a bunch of games all the time. Basically, if you are a console gamer at all, this will save you money. Unfortunately for all you pc gamers out there, they don't do PC game rentals (obvious reasons). Last time I put something like this up, someone mentioned Gameznflix which is cheaper. DONT DO IT!!! cheaper is not always better. I signed up for them for a while and on my game queue, out of 40 some games, they had 3 in stock. Terrible. Also, their site is terribly managed. They have a bunch of cancelled games as rentable. Even when I sent an email to them telling them this, they ignored it and still have 4 horsemen of the apocalypse on their site... stupid. Well, honestly, it's the best decision I ever made so I hope that you can try it out too. If you're interested click on this link, I'll be putting it on my banner too. . Hope you will at least try it. Peace everyone!

It's my B-day!

Short post today, I haven't been home in 2 days and I'm leavin again in 20 minutes. It's my birthday today. Just thought i'd let everyone know lol. I've had Stellar stuck in my head all day since my friend made me play it on Guitar Hero about 5 times (he can't play himself so he just told me to play it =P) Nothing much in terms of video games has gone on around my place. I've beaten everything in oblivion EXCEPT the main quest line lol so I'm working on that right now. But the daunting thought of shutting down like 6 oblivion gates is not lookin good. They're too repetitive. I liked doing the guild quests more personally. Oh yeah! and i hit lvl 13. Toobin' is an atari arcade game released in 1988 but was remade for the NES, Commodore 64 and the Game boy color. You have to make it down a river without hitting obsticals basically and its 1 or 2 players. Peace everyone! Game on!

P.S. check out (if you havent already, shame on you) and read the editors blogs. Pretty funny stuff.

Random stuff

Thanks SkateGame, I took ur advice and went modsearching a few days ago. It really does make the game a lot cooler. I only dled the ones that weren't cheap and just added onto the game which is cool cuz it simply makes the game longer (which is never a bad thing).

Wanted to say, I appreciate all the invites to various unions but I decided to stop joining any and all unions. I've already maxed out on the amount I can join anyway, and I don't end up being active in very many of them in the end. If you still wanna just chat or whatever thats cool and I'm still taking friend requests. Anyone who sends a friend request will be accepted and I'll help out anyone who needs it or whatever. Thats cool. I'm just not gonna join any more unions.

There now that thats outta the way, we had a game day yesterday at my church where everyone brought in a bunch of video games and we had tournaments and stuff. We played Guitar Hero 1 and 2, Super Smash melee (i still say the first one is better but melee is really fun), Double dash, and finally, we had a tournament for Wii Bowling. I lost horribly (kinda crowded and I hit about 4 people on the backswing. totally screwed me up... and i just did bad X_X) but it was really fun. It also got me back into Guitar Hero, watching my friend get almost 100% on extreme on a couple songs. Pretty crazy stuff. I couldn't even follow it. Inspirational stuff right there. I'm kinda just rambling now so peace everyone!