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Katosepe321 Blog

konichiwa tomodachi!

Hey couple new things today. first two are pretty small but the last one i promise is actually important. ONE: I hit 3000 profile views! yay!! TWO: I posted a review of God of War!!! unfortunately... it sux! cuz i was completely in LOST mode. which BTW, was amazing last night and if you stopped watching, you really picked a bad time.

K now for the important discussion: The future of the playstation 3. I know a lot of people will probably think of this as hating but i guarantee, i'm not trying to flame the Playstation 3. Just gonna be stating facts. I personally want a playstation 3 a lot so no flaming comments plz.

Sony has, IMHO, made tons of incredibly stupid mistakes. One, they raised the price so freakin high. I know that right now, they had to with the current system specs but what they could have done to significantly lower the price, was take out the blu-ray system. It's really not needed and it raises the price to waaaaay to insane levels. Two, they are having these stupid press-releases saying how dumb the other console's are for what they did. Bad idea. Now this is kind of a matter of opinion, but i think that the press releases they've made, particularly the one saying nintendo had a bad launch, only end up hurting sony's reputation. Obviously, nintendo had a pretty good launch since they can't even keep stores stocked, theres so much demand. But finally, the biggest problem they're having, is that they're losing all their exclusives!! no ones gonna buy the system if they can get all their best games on another platform! They've lost Assassins Creed to the 360 and PC, Devil May Cry 4 to the same thing, even Final Fantasy XIII is under debate!!!! Not to mention the rumors that Metal Gear Solid is following suit. Personally, I think if they lose FF and MGS, the PS3 is done. Hopefully, this never happens! I love Sony to death and if I had to choose one company, i would choose them, as much as i pride myself in remaining unbiased. As unbiased as i can possibly be, i think that the Wii, despite the god awful name, is the best one out there and its gonna be the first that i get. 360's next and PS3's trailing far behind. The lack of any worthwhile exclusives and the massively high price are lowering it substantially in my book. Well these are just my thoughts on the issue. I hope that they can pull themselves up and finish out this generation at least shoulder to shoulder with the other 2.

WOOT!! benchmark has been reached!

So for a while now, i've been checking out how many views i've got on my videos and a secret goal i had was to hit 1000 views on one of my videos. Since my most watched video was the FMA music vid, i've been checking it daily and i finally reached it!! WOOT!!! So, thats pretty cool. Wow... 1000 views. thats a helluva lot of hits!

 So, secondly, my school is having a Day of Silence thing in order to protest harrasment of GLBT's (Gay's Lesbians, Bi's and Trans' ) so I decided what the hell. So Wednesday, April... 18? i think. All i know is that it's the week after spring break. I'm not talking for a whole day of school!! sounds fun. I'm hoping so much we have a class discussion on that day =D. I'm not entirely sure why they are having people shut up for a day to protest but whatever.

Finally, something related to gaming! I beat God of War yesterday, wow the final boss battle is epic, and I got Hunter the Reckoning: Redeemer for Xbox. God of War first... (don't worry i won't spoil anything) the ending is freakin epic and the last boss battle is insanely hard!!!! It's a multipart battle and is insanely tough. It took me about 3-4 tries per part. My advice for people playing it. Level up everything as much as you possibly can and MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE that the army of hades spell is maxed and that you have Rage of the God's full by the time you get to the battle. As for Hunter the Reckoning Redeemer, so far i'm not too impressed. I know that it got bad ratings but so did the first game and i LOVED the first one. The controls aren't really bad but they're just different, which takes some getting used to. It also feels a lot clunkier than the first one. Although these problems are relatively minor compared to the biggest and most horrible change. The battles are put on a much MUCH smaller scale!!! In the first game, the best part was when thousands of zombies were clawing at your throat and you just had to chop through giant waves of them. In Redeemer, at least at the first part, you actually wish there were more guys to fight. They seemed to try to make the guys scarier looking (which they failed) and in doing so, make less guys. This was probably the dumbest thing they could have done. I WANT MORE ENEMIES!!! I WANT THE EPIC BATTLES THAT THE FIRST GAME WAS FULL OF!!! I haven't played Wayward yet which is proving to be a problem since it refers to it constantly. It doesn't seem necessary but (possible spoiler) when my good buddy Carpenter (who was supposed to be dead in the first game) popped out of nowhere with no introduction or anything, i was more than a little surprised and annoyed that it didn't seem odd at all. (END SPOILERS) Anyway, there are a lot of really good things they did too but i'll wait till i write a review to get into those. Peace everyone!

Video questions

Just kinda curious. How come some people don't rate the videos they see? I've been looking at my video comments lately and I've been noticing the total views on them. Some of my videos have 500+ views and yet the highest video has 23 people rating it. Positive or negative ratings, plz leave something if you watch my vids. It's not hard to do and it lets me know whats good and whats not. It's not like i'm gonna be offended if you don't like my vids :P.

Also, for some reason, I can't upload any of my videos and it seems like GS crashes when I try so i couldn't upload the Aqua Teen Hunger Force trailer. If you look online, there are plenty of places that have it. I highly recommend you watch it, its really funny :D.

Finally, I just found out about the new FF tactics games coming out. One, FFT: The lion wars is a remake of the original for the PSP which looks really cool. A bunch of new additions like Balthier from FFXII is introduced in the story as well as multiplayer options and plenty of new side-quests. Two, I'm not sure exactly what it's called and this may even be the official title, IDK, but FF tactics advance 2 for the DS is coming out soon. I know a lot of people hated FFTA for it's extreme deviation from the first game but I personally liked it and am kinda sad that i won't get to play it (since i don't have a DS and will never buy one). Hopefully, something will change in the future and i'll get to play it. Anyway, in other news, more updates to and more coming in the future so be sure to check it out if you haven't already! We're working really hard on it and hopefully it shows! Peace!


BREAKING NEWS PEOPLE!!! Jack Thompson, the enemy of gamers every is getting sued!! hahaha it's about freakin time. In case you don't know who Mr. Thompson is, he's the guy who sues Rockstar over basically all their games, all the time. He tries to get games banned in certain states and used to talk on the news all the time. Finally, Take Two is striking back and is sueing Thompson for all his attempts to get games banned saying that it's unconstitutional. They are trying to basically stop him, once and for all, from trying to ban their games and he has to refund them all the money they have wasted on attorney fees. hahaha well i say he deserves it. The idiot has wasted almost his whole life trying to get games banned when in reality, he's the one thats basically giving GTA and co. all the hype they get. I, personally, probably wouldn't have gotten bully if it hadn't been for Thompson's farce in court. I could go on for hours about him but I don't think you want to read that much :P

Anyway, in other news, I got God of War which is possibly the best action game ever. The first thing i did in the game was grab an undead soldier, jab both my blades into him on opposite sides, and rip him in half. The reviews are not kidding when they say it's horrendously gory. But if the blood doesn't bother you, then theres so much to the game!! The fighting rivals Ninja Gaiden and the story is a hundred times better. Also, one thing that might be annoying to some people is that there are a lot of topless chicks. In fact, one of the main characters is topless whenever u talk to her. While that is actually going along with history (because the greek oracles, which were the girls that communed with the gods, were always topless) there is a lot of unnecessary nudity. While it doesn't bug me at all, some people might be offended by it so just be warned. Again, if you can look past these details, the game is incredible. I haven't finished it yet but i'll probably write a full review of it sometime this week.

Finally, last thing, I'm uploading a trailer for Aqua Teen Hunger Force the movie (titles hilarious and i guarantee u'll laugh when u see it so i'm not gonna spoil it here.) so be sure to watch that when it finishes. Well, that was a long post. I'm thinkin about starting a video blog but i'm not entirely sure yet so be on the lookout for updates on that too. Peace!

Supreme Commander Thoughts

Hey!! So I've been playing supreme commander a whole bunch and I decided that, since i'm only playin the multiplayer, i don't know enough about it to write a full review so i'm just gonna post about my thoughts.

So me and my friend Schnebes (don't even try and pronounce it right lol) have made it a daily thing to play a game of supcom against increasingly harder odds. We always play on a team and our last match was against 4 comps: 2 medium horde comps, 1 balanced hard comp, and 1 supreme comp. Since he's had it longer than I have, he's a helluva lot better than me but i'm getting better every day so pretty soon, it'll be close. Usually the games have him swarming guys in the middle as a defense while I make nukes in my base to blast the hell out of the enemies. now, about the RTS itself, it's really fun and that means something since i hate RTS's generally. You can zoom out to fully view the whole map which makes it a lot easier to pay attention to a bunch of things at once. Also, the maps are gigantic which means taht it takes time to get your units to the enemies base. Now this can be a good thing or a bad thing. If your a typical RTS fan, you'll probably hate this but if u love making complex battle strategies then u'll probably love it. Overall, really good game although really demanding. I recommend it!

Extension blog!

Yeah, so I just posted a blog below but I decided to make one on what i've seen so far of the GDC. First off, Super Mario Galaxy. We've seen some new gameplay videos and nintendo's plans for the future but i'm still not convinced. While, I loved Super Mario 64. I hate the idea of just bouncing around from planet to planet all the time. I'm gonna buy it anyway just cuz i love mario and it probably will end up being a great game but just my worries.

Second, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. After the dissapointing news that it won't be released till '08, they decide to throw some technical teasers at us, obviously just to piss us fans off :P. Anyway, they talk a lot about the ragdoll physics which become much much more than just ragdoll physics. From what I could tell, they are making a system called Euphoria which makes the enemies act with a self-preserving instinct. They showed this by throwing some stormtroopers off of slanted platforms (ahh i wish i could have seen the demo T_T) and the doomed troopers start grasping for anything they can get their hands on. They'll grab onto ledges desperately or even their teammates' legs. It's not much in terms of gameplay but graphically, it's really nice, especially since I always make fun of how stupid deaths are in current video games (shoot um in the foot and they grasp at their chests :D)

Finally, the best for last, Fable 2. omg... I don't even want to be the one to describe it cuz i'll probably just screw it up. search fable 2 and watch the fable 2 interview with the logo picture. It's 30 minutes long but it's definitely worth it. I want this game so freakin bad... BTW for after u watch the video, I completely agree with Peter Molyneux and totally support his decision. Some people think the idea he has is stupid but i think it's creative genius. I love fable and i'm sure, with him in control, i'll luv fable 2 just as much. Molyneux, I'm behind ya all the way!!


Woot! yesterday i got supreme commander and so far, its a pretty awesome game. Usually i hate RTS's but supcom is really different. Much like what Chris Taylor was talking about in all of his interviews, Supcom is much, much more about the overall game strategies rather than individual battle tactics. I've found it's also much easier to have multiple battles going on at once. In the past, you're always trying to watch both at the same time but in this game, you can switch between them really fast and easily. That combined with the really great A.I. makes it a lot less stressful on the player lol. Well, i'll write a review about it when i'm done. I'd offer to play people online but I also suck horribly at RTS's hehehe.

Other than that, I got to miss skool today and half of yesterday cuz I was doing Tech work for our schools childrens play. What that basically means, is that we had a play during school for a bunch of elementary school kids and they needed me and 5 of my friends to move props around. Pretty easy and we got to hang out all day so pretty freakin tight. On the down side, my favorite teacher in the world, Jay, found out he has Parkensen's... It really sux cuz Jay is like... the coolest teacher ever. So that was pretty sad. Well, that's what i've been up to. Peace everyone! is getting better and better all the time so be sure to check it out!! Yeah, i did have to throw some product placement in there somewhere =P.

New Review and a Simple Request.

Hey guys and girls! Not a long post today, just wanted to let you know, I posted my review of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door for gamecube. It's a really good game and I hope my review did it justice. Please comment on it. It's kinda long but I'd really appreciate it if you could read through it and give me some constructive criticism.

And for my simple request. I promise it's easier than reading my review lol. I just wanted people to read my last post and please comment with their thoughts. Or if you don't want to comment, thats cool but if you could read it, i'd greatly appreciate it. I promise i'm not emo at all lol.

Recent Blog Posts

Hey everyone! I've been reading a bunch of blog posts from here, Myspace, livejournal, a lot of different stuff and i'm seeing a trend starting up. A lot of people have been posting about how they are discouraged about life in general and how pointless it is. I know a lot of people see these people saying stuff like this and just think "EMO!!" but i disagree. I think at some point, everyone questions life and it's purpose. If you don't... well, lets not get into what i think about people who don't question anything.

Anyway, personally, I sometimes agree with people who think this way. What is the point? I mean we all live our lives which most people agree is full of suffering and heartache, and then we die. But thats not all life is. For there to be suffering and heartache, there had to be happyness and joy before, otherwise there would just be nothing. If you cut yourself off from everything, then sure, you won't feel too much suffering but at the same time, you won't feel joy which can sometimes be worse than the alternative.

A long time ago, i made a huge mistake that still bothers me today. After it happened, I honestly just wanted to die. I figured life is pointless and wasted. But then something happened. I found people that I truly cared about. More so than my own life. I think this is what life is truly about, living for someone other than just yourself. Sure there will be heartache in this way of living, whenever that person or group of people feel pain, you will feel pain. But at the same time, when they are happy, you are happy too. So while it may not help for your circumstances, this is what I found as my purpose in life. This is what brought me out of those dark times and gave me reason to want to live. And life is a lot better because of it. If you're struggling with something that happened to you or whatever, I honestly believe that it will pass and that there is purpose that you will come to find.


Yay! I got the Popular Emblem. that means i have over 50 friends! woot! When i first started gamespot, i never expected anyone to ever read any of my blog posts or anything  and i just thought it would be a way to talk to my friend josh (jlr2k8 ). Now i have 52 friends and 2637 views with an average of 40-50 new hits a day. thats pretty tight! Thanks for the support everyone!

Also, thx for the help everyone! as you can probably see, my new icon is up and working. I used photobucket to get it up. It's of the main character, Lucy, of Elfin Lied.