Cool, thanks so much for sharing, I really appreciate it. I am buying a PS3 hopefully in a week or so, and that deal is awesome. I didn't see how long it is good for, but I can check into it, haha.
Just wanted to let you guys know that RadioShack has the 40gb PS3 for $359.97 US. Seems like a good deal. If I would come across this, would it be worth it to save $40, or is the 80gb the way to go?
If it is good it's a bonus, if bad, whatever too bad. It is what it is. If it would be a bad game, it would be a bad game, haha, there can't be any regrets.
Alright, you have an opinion, I have mine. Remember, MS Xbox 360 tried with the HD-DVD drive, and it gave way to Blue Ray. Alright, now, MS requires fees for online play even after the console fee. Not only that, the money is paid to Microsoft when Live is played on games created my mostly non-Microsoft companies. I don't know, but you seem to make a overly biased argument. Everyone deserves an opinion though and I respect that.
I only had a Wii for 3 weeks. I played it maybe 10 hourse. From that time, I would give it a 7 out of 10. This being said, I think that rating will go up as more games come out. I really had no problems or complaints, it just didn't click with me.
I'll give the Xbox 360 a 6.5. It is fun, but unreliable. Overall, the entire Xbox gig is not what it should be.Â
I will post how I like the PS3 after I buy one and give it some time.
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