K so you were the one guy that liked tanks in CoD, so any argument you make doesn't mean anything. Tanks are for BF (which is fucking amazing as well) but not for CoD, the same way CS doesn't let you drive a humvee - that's not the kind of game it is.
I'll be picking up this game, mainly because I still enjoy CoD. Don't get me wrong, there are quite a few things I wish were different, but it's an arcade shooter. It's great as a pick up and play real quick game, and I thoroughly enjoy playing split screen with my little bro.
That being said..that was one of the worst trailer's I've ever seen.
I don't understand what all the hate is about. Sure, EA dropped the ball a bit, but the game overall is great. They're fixing the issues and their owning up.
How many hundreds of games have we, as gamers, played that had a less than stellar opening launch? It happens all the time. Just give it a bit of time.
For people that are complaining about buying the digital download and not bein able too return the game.. did you read the fine print? You people skip over all of it and then get all huffy puffy. You agreed to it, suck it up.
I'll be buying this game fo sho. I got nothing against EA.
Nothing that will cause someone to kill another person. The people that are going on these mass shootings are all nutjobs. Mentally ill people who were never properly dealt with.
But don't take my word for it, take the scientists.
Yea mang. In the 1920's there was the dude who murdered his wife, blew up his house with dynamite, and then loaded the school with dynamite and blew half of it up. 40+ people died.
KelpsterD's comments