So apparently I'm behind in the times...When did they change the name from "Escape From Mount Stupid? And why? Not that I'm upset about this or anything. Juuuuuuuuuuust curious.
@m_bd89 I would have to disagree with that statement, but there really isnt a point in getting into a debate over a gamespot thread :P I don't support transgenderism, however I see little use in me arguing with someone about it on here.
@BearsrideLions They can disagree just as much as you can agree, as long as it is respectful. People spend so much time getting all pissy at people for voicing their opinions that they forget that that said person has every right to do so. Hypocrite.
Why would transgender be offended at the quote "She may look like a finely curved woman, but looks can be deceiving." in referrence to Poison? How many other female characters have had that kind of label put on them? A lot. Every female hero from an action tv show, any female from an action movie, even some dramas. It just means that a regular woman isnt capable of inflicting the appropriate amount of damage to own a male in hand to hand combat. Or any combat. Ever. Because they cant.
I do not agree with Homosexuality at all and, quite frankly, It bothers me when people rage at me for stating my belief. That being said, I would never, EVER want to cause any harm towards someone who is gay and I would be the first one to jump in to defend someone if they were being made fun of or abused because of their sexual orientation. That Fa***t Ni**ers comment that was made is disgusting. Kevin I enjoyed the read, as always :) Good stuff.
@NaryuKick No one is denying the fact that the hack was illegal. That's cut and dry. What everyone is really REALLY pissed at, is the fact that Sony, knowing that there was something going on, said nothing to all of us PSN users for days. Also, the fact that they were using crap security measures in the first place really grinds my gears. And comparing this outage and the Tsunami/Earthquake? Get out. @Buzduganjr Fact is, it didn't happen to the other companies...kthxbai
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