What 3D game could compete with it? Up until May 31, 1998 (Banjo Kazooie's release), all other platformers and games in general failed to mimic Mario's fluid movements, excellent level design, and brilliantly done music. For Nintendo's first true 3D game (REALLY real 3D), they set the bar extremely high. It's like running the mile under 4 minutes the first year you join Track. Everyone is thinking, "How the hell did that guy manage to do that?" He's had some experience with Cross Country, but this is a whole different ball-game (2D to 3D).
Yes, there were flaws, like the camera angle and some of the stars being a tad bit similar for my taste, but is there really any question why this game is held to such a high standard? It's a freaking holy grail, and the people that play it even 13 years after its original release still think its a damn good game.
My point is that Nintendo is the greatest company, ever. Fanboyism? Bias? No. Realism. They were able to bring all of their 2D franchises to 3D with not just great results, but revolutionary ones. Super Mario 64 was only the beginning to what we know as the Nintendo Revolution. You may think I'm exaggerating a bit, but Nintendo was unmatched in a lot of their genres for awhile. Even their JRPGs (Paper Mario and Pokemon) held up well against Final Fantasy.
Super Mario 64 is just one of the most well made games, ever, which is incredible, considering its limitations. It dares you to find flaws. Metal Gear Solid 4 and other games on the other hand, are 12 years older and are begging you to be the most ignorant person alive.
Anyway, do you guys agree? Probably.
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