Is this the lowest score VanOrd has given this year? What is the lowest score he has given thus far, prior to this RE6 review? In fact how many games have GameSpot scored lower than 5.0 this year?
I just want to get a gauge of how bad VanOrd really thinks RE6 is, by comparing it to other games GameSpot have scored lower than 5.0 in the past.
Because lets be honest people, VanOrd is a tough scorer. But **** me, 4.5 is nasty low. Something doesn't feel right. Like an air of inconsistency.
@Suikogaiden I think that is the problem. They can't convince investors to back their venture with big bucks. But then again, why would they? No publisher is going to give Ouya a second look, when they're being told the system is hackable. Software businesses already have enough trouble dealing with piracy on platforms that weren't meant to be hacked.
KhanhAgE's comments