I don't consider fable II or Gears of War 2 to have end bosses, therefore most disappointing boss: Fontaine in Bioshock
KittensWithBeer's forum posts
I agree parents realy need to monitor their kids, i mean halos a 16 rates game theres a rason for that and 10 year olds really shouldnt be anywhere near such content,,,,,,,plus they are damned irritatingpenpusherOh, please. Halos barely even violent. Now, if the 10 year olds just didn't have mics, then we would be just fine, but we do have a mute button for a reason, but i prefer to hear them b*** P.S. I got permabanned from halo for hacked content on my file share, so i don't even have to worry about that :D
I am not a troll, I own a 360 and I dont own a PS3. Click on my profile and look at my reviewed games if you dont believe me. Before I bought my 360 three years ago, I weighed both possible options between PS3 and 360. I went with 360 under the idea of they are going to have more of the games that I like exclusive. For the most part I have been correct about that for myself. However, the way microsoft seems to nickel and dime the consumer constantly is really getting under my skin. There are many issues I could talk about right now but I dont want to start getting into them. I dont wont to be here writing this message for that long. I will just summarize some of my problems with a few words, among them being RED RINGS, and overpriced downloadable content. Though these things truly annoyed me, they are not the complaint I have today.
We pay 50 bucks a year for live, and xbox lived is suppossed to be the best thing to ever happen to video games, kind of like what Jesus did for the world. On the other hand, the PS3 titles are supporting 32 players in titles that even came out for both 360 and pS3. So we are paying more for live, and we are getting less players. If we pay more, arent we suppossed to get better? Isnt that how the world works? I might understand a little bit more if we had 16 players as the max number of players but lag was NEVER a problem. Unfortunately this is not so, lag does occur from time to time, on all games. More often then me paying 50 bucks a year would like. When next generation comes, it is going to be hard for me to go with microsoft again. I think they really need to change their business philosophy with the 360, absolutly no respect for the consumer. They short change and gimmick you every chance they get.
have you ever played a ps3 online every match is lag LittleBigPlanet lags like hell with 4 player coop.....double dragon or killer instinctTazzmission187Double dragon is on XBLA, and has been since 2007 i think, Anyways, i'd LOVE to see Mortal Kombat 4 on XBLA
If it has to be a 360 game, it'd be rock band 2 assuming i could still download dlc every week. But it i had my choice i'd bring my PS3 and LittleBigPlanet.
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