NXE screwed me over, i signed into xbox.com this morning, and it was fine. Immediately i went downstairs, and downloaded the update. As soon as i accepted the terms of service i got this message "You have been suspended from xbox live until 12/3/08" I'm a bit suicidal.
I've done absoltuely nothing wrong recently, and i DID try again only to get the same generic responses such as "You may have been suspended for inappropriate use of the system." I'm positive it was the update, since i didn't get suspended until i accepted the terms of service on NXE. I had signed in on xbox.com just 10 minutes before i downloaded NXE and got suspended.
I know all NXE talk is supposed to be in the sticky, but this is different than most discussion, NXE caused me to get banned. Yep. I signed into xbox.com this morning and it was fine. Then i went downstairs and updated my 360, immediately after accepting the terms of service, i was immediately greeted by "You have been suspended from xbox live until 12/3/08"
I already tried customer support, with no help whatsoever.
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