I beat RE5 on Professional. Oh heck yes baby. :cool:VideoGamerNerdCongratulations! Did you have much trouble getting past the Savannah level? :PI like your sig and avatar, Konamic! :D Fullmetal Alchemist is one of my favorite shows!Courtney817Thank you. :)I'm sorry to hear that.Dragon66116I'm actually enjoying it quite a bit. It's really nostalgic.I only paid $2.99 for it, so it was definitely worth the purchase. :P
Should know I put emphasis on the word "the", giving the post a whole new meaning. The post now depicts such things as exclusivity, and dangerous levels of awesomeness. :cool:But now that you mention it, that was kinda pitiful. :?
Just leaving this here: http://elfyourself.jibjab.com/view/2mXM4ktfHNn2lSjh?cmpid=ey_urlWhy? Because I found it amusing. :PsirracannalThat was odd. :| :PI was thinking of seeing that... :PVideoGamerNerdIt won't disappoint. ;)
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