PS3 + $400 worth of games > $1000 pc + $0 worth of games.
$950 PC + Any Source game (so you can play the endless amount of mods) + The Witcher (substitute an RPG of your choice if you want) > PS3 + $400 worth of games.
Built is past tense, meaning you've already built it..
Aside from that, how is PC and PS3 not an option? Since when is 1 better than 2? You could build a very capable $700 PC so I don't see what the problem is..
Cole was probably the most badass character in the game, and Resident Evil takes place in Africa... did you expect him to be killing white people? If anything, it's kind of a slavery statement.ATastyBurger
White people do life in Africa, you know this right?
Tier lists do show who the better characters are. It doesn't mean you'll be good, but 6 out 10 times, a Rufus will beat a Vega (maybe more, not entire sure what the matchup is) of equal skill.
Upsets still happen but they rarely occur. There's a reason Rufus, Balrog, Bison and Abel's are usually the last characters in every SSF4 tournament,
Oh be quiet... Every game has its share of 'n00bs'... If you look at which one has the longest legs(Halo 3) then you will note that millions of UU still play Halo 3 every week while no one is playing COD4. What other console game, save for Halo 3, is still being played vehemently 3 years after it launched? COD sells millions on PC as well but I somehow doubt you're willing to call them n00bs considering its the exact same game only tailored to different input devices. Just seems like contradicting rhetoric to say otherwise. Then theres Halo 2, which still logged 50k people each day on XBL... The game launched 6 years ago... "n00bs" don't play games zealously for 6 years.Vadamee
Halo 2 didn't have 50k daily..I would know, since I actually played it..
Noobs play games for however long they please. You must be thinking of casual. They're both different things..
Oh, and PC doesn't have aim assists and ridiculous lunge. The difference being, you actually play PC CoD whereas console CoD plays itself for you.
Why should they halo and cod have totally different audiences.
What? All consoles shooters appeal to noobs. There is no different audience. Just people who decide "zomg CoD is popular! I r must hate!" or vice versa.
If you ask me they're all just going to end up hurting each other. Black Ops, Medal of Honor, Crysis 2 and Reach - all FPS games, all releasing within a couple months of each other? Bad idea....Ninja-Hippo
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