@sw1000xg What kind of FPS games do you play? When first playing bad company, it took time for me to get use to the guns. The recoil was alot more punishing in those games...There is far less spray and pray. BF3 is a bit more forgiving in this aspect. And Faizanhd is right, its more of a strategy team based game...The squads arnt there for show, if you like a lone wolf experience this game most likely isnt for you.
Its been forever since ive played an FPS on the console. Stuck with PC for the past 4 years, and damn is that 720p footage rather ugly. Or more that the anti Aliasing is terrible.
@uglypinkmoose and honestly before Battlefield came to consoles, the game use to be solely multiplayer. There was no campaign at all. Nobody buys the battlefield series for the campaign. I find it funny how they peg the game for the multiplayer when that isnt its main focus. Its sort of like saying the Last of Us was mediocre because of the multiplayer in it wasnt anything special.
@Dynamite_SJ When you have a high framerate, the drops are really not as noticable, as long as its only a 10 or so FPS drop. Thats far better than 30FPS and getting drops as well, which is really annoying and happens all the time I notice on consoles.
@shingui5 I think 60fps will become a standard for most FPS multiplayer games. Almost always developers will sacrifice some graphics for the multiplayer portion to offer more smooth gameplay. In the singleplayer department you will most likely have a lower fps and a more visual appealing experience. Im fine with it if that is the way things will be.
@_Judas_ Its much harder to tell the difference through video. What is truely noticable is when the game drops below 30, which happens quite alot on consoles.
@zerofrust @Kooken58 @franky111 Yeah I do agree, cant say Ive really had issues with most bethesda games...they all ran just fine with me. But Mods do make the games far more enjoyable overall.
@Dannystaples14 @franky111 Its not soo much an issue with singleplayer games. But when it does become an issue its when the game drops below 30 (Which Happens Very often in console games) that it becomes an issue.
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