@VitaismyDaddy @MAGIC-KINECT Here is something funny to think about....The companies are paying microsoft to advertise this stuff on their dashboard. Soo why the hell are we paying for a subscription in the first place? Most of the developers pay and support their own servers for games. Same goes for PS4 as well...all these features that they charge us for cost them nothing.
Dont worry everyone, this will most likely be the last Xbox Console we see...Infact Im willing to bet that before the 10 year life clycle is up for this console...My smartphone will be 2x faster than it.
I personally think this generation console's will be the last we see...atleast in terms of a device that is solely for gaming. Most likely will end up seeing powerful mobile devices that we can plug into our TVs and stream games from.
Remember back a long time ago...when players could create their own maps and fun? Now with EA in charge, we have to give them money for their overpriced maps instead of having countless new maps made for free...by the players.
@MICHAELKNIGHT2K @Kooken58 @GLOK1132 I agree, I can understand for paying for extra premium services....Dont want to see ads on your dashboard? Pay for premium...want free game offers once a month? Premium. Sure there could be other offers. But Standard stuff like having being able to play your games with friends and Voice chatting and skyping them? Pretty much everything behind a paywall...Its a plain rip off.
@GLOK1132 @MICHAELKNIGHT2K Steam is a great service and it offers everything the Xbox and playstation network will offer and its FREE!!! Sure it might only be 5 dollars a month if you buy a years worth...But still Being able to play games online should be a free feature, considering pretty much all developers host their own dedicated servers, or go the cheap way out and offer P2P which is player hosting.
@LonelyHippie27 With how the cloud has been working and not being fixed, I doubt i see it being fully fixed anytime soon (sad to say). Im going to simply wait until a possible PC release, atleast then I have the choice of saving my character information on my own hard drive instead of over the interenets cloud.
@GOGOHeadray @Kooken58 The thing is, I did a little bit of looking up of the cloud...and these "Syncing" Issues or whatever you want to call it, have been an issue for a while now with the cloud. If all future online games on console are going to be using the cloud, Im just simply going to steer clear of it.
Kooken58's comments