@turnerdoc The moment you start throwing out games every 1 or 2 years, the quality goes far downhill. Just look at COD, Assassins Creed, Even BF is going down that route now too.
Maybe its because Ubisoft has been milking its series as of the past few years? AC, was originally just suppose to be a trilogy. Should of just made AC3 wrap things up.
Only games he likes is farmville and cityvill and is bored of the others? Doesnt sound much of a gamer to me. The Last of Us, GTA 5...I guess those games are "boring" to him.
@toddx77 Im guessing a huge majority of the gamers around here got introduced to FPS's through Halo, COD or Battlefield, and never bothered to play half-life
@Sina Madani The original Far Cry had the flashy amazing graphics with a beautiful tropical setting, but Half Life 2 had the amazing Source Engine and amazing physics. Which was also fully moddable. I bought Gary's Mod years ago just to mess around and have fun...
Some may not have liked the game (I personally think the Episodes 1 and 2 were better) But there is no denying that it offered far more re playability and such than any other game to date.
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