@TheSkyrimStatue Im PISSED they didnt show joffrey's wedding. =\ Its like they showed 80% of the book and the remaining 20% is going to be drawn out in season 4?
@GrimJaw35 yeah microsoft wasted all that money on the "Cloud" When in fact it doesnt do crap when it comes to background processing. They sacrificed lower end tech, Underclocked their system, all so they could rely on Cloud gaming...which is DRM in disguise.
@SavageEvil @Kooken58 @Danny_KickAzz @Winzent Overall the console will be able to play games offline. If a company decides they want to use the Cloud as a background processor for their game, it will force the player to be online at all times to play that certain game.
@Danny_KickAzz @Kooken58 @Winzent And with games that require a cloud connection? The moment your internet starts lagging or it goes down completly, you are no longer to play that said game. There have been several single player games that run require an internet connection and do background processing...Ive played a few of them, and to be honest...the moment your internet starts lagging its a horrible experience. Like I said, its money well wasted. It could of went towards a more powerful machine.
@Danny_KickAzz @Kooken58 @Winzent Still it cost them soo much money and the fact that you would need to be always connected to the internet to run such a feature...the pro's it offers does not outweigh all the con's. It does not warrent the amount of money they spent or the amount of hype they have surrounded it.
Kooken58's comments