@Karmazyn Its those "High res" Textures....that don't exist. My guess is you are downloading those Map packs...that EA will force you to buy in the future.
@kovaras1984 @Kooken58 @diego_corleone You're right! Absolutely no games on PC. I dont know what the 8 million of us Users online on steam daily are doing!
@nl_skipper Too few companies see this. Im pretty sure it being published by EA all they see is dollar signs, and it having mod support would take away their profit from map packs. Its rather sad when the opposite is actually true.Mods bring in new players and keep players playing the actual game and supporting it. If it wasnt an EA game I'd probably pick it up...But after purchasing BF4, I refuse to buy another EA game.
@nl_skipper Yeah, if it did have MOD support I would def pick it up...But for now, Id rather wait until its discounted. If it ever gets discounted. Honestly makes no sense, they create a game on a great older engine that has great mod support...and they don't allow modding in their own game? The game would have a much larger following on PC and would keep people playing it on PC if it did.
Look at TF2, a 8 year old game and still near 100,000 people play it every day, Thanks to the community and mods and constant support. Im willing to bet within a year, less people will be playing this game than say TF2.
Yet another game without the slightest hint of Mod support on PC. Which is just sad considering its using the SOURCE ENGINE. One of the most easily and best engines to Mod out there. This game would of been really great if it allowed it...but EA happened. After playing the beta, it would probably only last me a week before I would get bored of it.
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