@Trev9421 Well like the reivew says, the lighting in the game is rather poor. If the game had a some actual decent lighting then it wouldnt be soo bad.
@Sevenizz You seem to be confusing the Japanesse Sony who are responsible for the Playstation 4, and SoE Sony who is an American group of developers...responsible for things like Planetside 1 and 2, Everquest series, and now this. They strictly do MMOs.
@LiquidGold @eze_sl89 SoE and the Sony that is responsible for the Playstation are two completely different groups. Infact SoE is a US group of developers.
@blainose @taker254isback Even 8GB of RAM isn't much, I could order 8GB of ram for about 50 dollars online. The reason why we aren't seeing a huge leap in visuals this gen is because they went the cheap route and used cheap lower end hardware.
@Colekern @saygoodie The reason why this was true with the 360 and Ps3 is because the developers were working with architexture they were not familiar with. This time around they are working with an x86 arch that you also see in your PCs. So no its not going to be like that, within a year or two the consoles will be max'd out in terms of perfromance, rather pathetic really.
There use to be a time when MMOs were actually challenging from the start. Where choosing how you wanted to spec and gear your character matters. This, for many of us, is what kept us hooked. Now you have a system that just does everything for you, a stat system that is incredibly watered down (Looking at you WoW) and a system that tells you where exactly to go.
Are MMOs still addicting? They can be, but for many of us who were around since the beginning. They are nowhere near as complex and indepth, thus losing their appeal much more quickly.
@chrisx2k3 I knock cuz I want to try to make you "consolers" realize that there are better alternatives (PC) Cuz I love you and dont want to see you suffer through having to pay microsoft more money for content you should get for free (Xbox Live).
And the fact that you are missing out on great things such as mods. If it weren't for greedy developers and their love of shoving microtransactions down your throats, im sure we would see more developers support mods. Just look at some of the great content we have gotten from user generated.
In the end you are welcome to play on whatever system you want to, but I wish people wouldn't just sit idly by throwing money over to greedy companies. Other than the occasional exclusive, little innovation seems to ever come out of the consoles.
Kooken58's comments