@404FredNotFound Well, they can only do soo much with the visuals because they refuse to make a new engine for the game and change this up for whatever retarded reason. Most likely because it would cost them more money and time...cant be having that can you activision?!
Oh look another 3 hour campaign, with most likely more rehashed multiplayer. I will hand it to them, coming from a PC gamer...atleast this does look somewhat next-gen.
@memenotu @bfeinberg @Smintar The only thing that remotly resembles DAoC is the 3 faction pvp, everything else doesnt even come close. You had far more freedom in DAoC when it came to PvE and leveling. There may of been a few dev's from DAoC that made this game...but the guy who truely understands what made that game great was Mark Jacobs and he is working on Camelot Unchained.
But yeah, Archeage does a far better job at creating a more open world-sandbox feel to the game.
@Spartan_418 I know you are trolling lol...but I think the reality now is the younger audience plays COD now ha. I know I was about 12 when the original Halo Released.
@sepheul I can agree that the class system was very nice, but at lower levels it did feel like most classes all played the same. The thing though I did not like was the very limited hotbar, even in GW2 you had more options for abilities and choice.
Maybe Im just bored to death of Theme Park MMOs, but I thought the question and leveling were as boring and average as they could be. There was no variety to leveling and most everything just didn't feel interesting to me at all. There were a couple of decent quests but soo many of them were just anti-climatic or just another fetch or kill quest. The path choice quests didn't really change the outcome at all either.
I was expecting a more of a Sandbox experience, instead we got a traditional Theme Park on rails experience. Sure you could go out and explore, but for what? To find more boring quests? You were also still limited to one zone or area for your level. Be nice to have an MMO release where you have freedom to do stuff...even older MMOs offered more variety to leveling.
After playing the game I agree that this game is very very average, But I think AngryJoe does a better job of explaining why it was such a let down than this review...For those who want a second opinion or more details why the game falls short of expectations.
@Sanchez To each their own, my experience was much different. Other than finding new quests (Which I found to be very lackluster) there really was little incentive to explore...The world felt very bland and boring in comparison to other MMOs and Elder Scrolls game. I felt many of the quest chains were anti-climatic. For somebody who is newer to "RvR" in MMOs, I could see how it might be epic for new players. Being a Veteran of games like DAoC on the otherhand, the RvR was very shallow. Maybe for me it was due to the combat in general or how everybody just zergs because its the most efficient.
Many of us were expecting a more Sandbox Experience, which really in comparison to ES its not a sandbox at all. What is the game trying to be exactly? An MMO, or an ES game? I feel the game is neither bad nor very good...Just very Average at best.
@aidenc81 I personally didn't see the immersion at all. The world for the most part was very bland, there is zero incentive to explore the world other than to find more boring quests. And the amount of bugs, and issues in the game really breaks the little immersion it had for me.
No suprise here, after 2 beta weekends for me it was clear this game was as average as average can be...both in terms of MMO standards and Elder Scrolls. To top it all off, there were soo many issues with quest bugs, crash bugs...and grouping. My friend and I had a hell of a time completly anything together due to all the issues of being in a group.
I was sort of expecting an actual Sandbox MMO, much like the ES was. Instead we have this more Themepark MMO, with a huge world...but there is very little worth seeing (in my opinion). The world itself felt very bland. I mostly played on the Daggerfall Covenant.
Kooken58's comments