Overall I think the games lighting system is really all not that great. Alot of the time the nights are bright and everything is evenly lit. There is no contrast real contrast. Just take things like headlights, the lighting effect for them I think is really ugly.
Gamespot should of also put an FPS counter up there too, because the game is really poorly optimized.
@lorider25 Game at times looks pretty good, but it is far from the best looking game. I think it looks pretty "Meh" stuff like the lighting is average, causing everything to look grey or similar color. Also the game is very poorly optimized. Seen reviews of people claiming they cant even hit 60 fps on ultra with a GTX Titan.
Im curious if they will do a PC review, Cuz the game runs like crap on PC. The visuals arn't even all that amazing looking and struggling to even reach 60fps on medium settings, also there is tons of pop in. It looks like a case of poor optomization, probably a reason why the console versions don't even run at 30fps and xbones resolution is soo low.
@nayce54 next gen in terms of what exactly? Gameplay? Because I honestly don't think its visuals. It has good detail, but everything else is average at best. One thing that really jumps out for me is the lighting, Its almost non existent, especially during the day. Everything is equally lit, making the colors all washed out.
I also thought the driving in the game was terrible too.
@underblackflags @Kooken58 Ah well either way, I personally think GTA V does look better than this game. Only thing watch dogs has going for it is some better textures.
@underblackflags I personally thought GTA V looked better. Sure it had the occasional bad texture and popin issue...But the overall atmosphere and everything was much better. The lighting overall in Watch Dogs is fairly poor, and the city just looks bland. GTA V's lighting was much better better, even though it was on last gen.
@martouf02 Same goes for the lighting, the lighting in the game is almost non existent. Watching people drive around during the day and everything is evenly lit, its pretty much the same exact thing at night. The framerate isn't all that great either...Here people were obsessed with resolution, but that doesn't really effect gameplay...poor framerate on the otherhand does.
@Cakapoo @Kooken58 True, another thing of note is the lighting is almost non existent. Graphics arn't everything and all, but I find it funny that a game like GTA V has better lighting than this so called "next gen" game.
The same case was true when PS2 and Xbox were still relevant. They didn't get all releases the 360 and ps3 got, but they did get some...and they were more ports with most of its features stripped.
@Cakapoo That version doesn't even exist on PC either. While it does look decent, its nowhere near that of what we saw at E3. It also appears to be poorly optimized. I think their mistake was also developing the games for last gen. We never had this issue with the 360 and ps3. Once those rolled out, very few games continued to be developed for the xbox and ps2.
Kooken58's comments