I know this has been said, and graphics are not everything but...with their new "engine" and next gen consoles, this is the best they could come up with in terms of visuals? Hell The original Crysis Look just as good, BF3 def looks better than this as well. Im pretty certain we will also still get the same old linear, railroaded maps we have always gotten and the tiny maps. How about you put that extra amount of memory to use and make more open maps already?!
My issue with the xbox1....My internet has been out all day today. According to microsoft and how the console works, I wouldnt not of been able to play my console at all today! What if my Net goes out or is very unreliable for a few days (which it occasionally does)! Does that mean I cannot use the system I PAID FOR to play games on?
@Dean Quinn Now I dont like many of EA's decisions and such but dont most companies care about money? Without money you cannot stay in business. EA arnt the ones who make games, they are the ones who fund the game companies. Companies such as Dice, Ubisoft, Maxis...
@DarkReign2552 You do Realize that Oblivion was originally released for PC right? So its not like Microsoft had the rights to the Elder Scrolls series.
Pretty much Vaporware. When is the last time blizzard has made a unique IP? They arnt exactly known for making unique games. Sure they have a nice universe and storyline, but in terms of actual unique gameplay, it was all pretty much done before.
@pamant @DarkSunless @samrvdman nah ill stick with my much better PC...Where I can play games offline if my internet goes out, where I dont have to pay a monthly fee on top of my Internet to play games online.
@Nightrunner0007 @Kooken58 except with a data plan I go on and use my phone without a connection. Sure its the same thing in a sense that they both need to always be on. But my phone I can carry around in my pocket, my console on the other hand I cannot.
Kooken58's comments