@Nightrunner0007 @Dexodrill A cell phone, Or smart phone is nothing like a console. Sure they are both electronic devices, but they are both used for COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS. I just want to be able to sit down, in front of the TV (Which is nowhere near my router) to play a game. Not have to plug it into an internet connection every time I turn it on each day. I dont want to have to hassle with the stupid Kinect either. Smartphones on the otherhand are social devices, not gaming.
@NARUtotheFISH If sony has a monthly fee ill prolly just straight up not buy a console...Its just BS how Microsoft just double dips with the whole Monthly Fee shit. I can play online games on PS3 and PC just fine, why cant microsoft offer the same?
@100proofsoco exactly, same here. And of the majority of us dont want it either. The madatory kinect, having to pay a few to play games online, and this constant having to connect my xbox online every day are the reason Im gonna straight up pass on this console.
@Atheosis @qewretrytuyiuoi Its more than just graphics...There is physics, AI, how large the environment and Open it is. Many things, things that have not been improved upon really at all over the years by majority of companies. There is this amazing thing called Tessellation that has barely been touched upon because Consoles dont Support DX11.
@krystyla @Kooken58 Ooh No I Will probably get a PS4. But Only Will play those exclusive games on it...The rest of the games I get on my PC. I've played RTS games and a few MMOs on PC as well, so it wasnt to hard to get into playing PC. Only games that Dont really feel right on PC are games like GTA, Still prefer a controller for playing it.
All these console restrictions are just going to force people to actually decide to invest in a PC. Hell, I got fed up with always having to pay to play games online on my xbox. Soo i finally decided to invest in making a PC. Its not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. I have a feeling a decent PC will be no more expensive than the next gen consoles. And wont have the garbage limitations.
@Troika1 @ConsoleContempt The new console specs are nothing spectacular, Id say if you were to build the same specs in PC form it would cost you about 500 dollars. This is including the case, Motherboard, and such. We will see what price the new consoles will be.
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