@GrantHeaslip I'll take your word on it. I'm pretty sleepy as well so not really got much time to think about it during each yawn. It's almost 5am. >_<Just checked a few comparison videos on youtube, and they all seem to run smoothly. So it's just gotta be that bad recording from Nintendo.
@GrantHeaslip I'm not a complete tech wiz. I know the resolution is the same from both devices. But with a console and a TV they aren't the same as the Nintendo 3DS. Mainly because they are both independent devices, while the 3DS has to manage running everything of it's processor.
@GrantHeaslip Yeah, I agree with you. It may just been an issue with the video, or early release comparison video of the two devices. If they kept the same processing power it could just be that the screen size could be the issue with it. But I'm not sure. I would have to see the handheld in person, it could be as you said part of that one recording.
@GrantHeaslip It's a bit odd that they have both the 3DS and the 3DSXL side by side in a Nintendo teaser and one is actually running slightly slower than the other in a frames per second issue. http://uk.gamespot.com/shows/start-select/?event=startselect20120622Around the 4-5min mark. You'll notice it a few times. Other videos haven't shown any issues. But this one video really caught my attention to what is going on.
I had asked Seb to put forward the suggestion of checking the frame rates of the two devices. Since the 3DSXL model had a slower frame rate than the standard model in Nintendo's advert running New Super Mario Bros 2 (3DS). I guess that never made it into this video.
The whole pixel issue. I know it wouldn't be too much of a problem with the 3DS titles, but I can see it being an issue with the normal DS games. This could be a let down. Gonna stick it out with the Ps Vita a little longer. See if anything good comes out for that, before I consider going back to a DS or 3DSXL, since I sold my original off, because Nintendo took a really slow run to get good games out. Sony is having the same issue, but the tease of Little Big Planet has kept me in there. :D
@ricardo_tuba Everything you said is completely true. Nothing will dethrown WoW. On mmo-champion you see so many "This will kill WoW" when it doesn't come close. The last was SW:TOR and Tera, neither games got anywhere close to being of top news. SW:TOR was beyond a joke. I played about 15mins of it and saw it felt like a F2P Japanese MMORPG. Tera was actually fun, but I didn't buy into the retail just because every zone felt a little tight, and one pathed (A little like Mount Hyjal in Cata). I don't play WoW anymore, but I'm impressed that it is still doing well even to this day. I joined in the closed beta for the Vanilla part of the game, and played throughout till WOTLK, but barely played Cata, just since I've been there before in these PVE encounters. I hate people bashing on WoW, even though I've not played it in around 10 months. And I won't play it again. But those comments like "Oh more news about WoW /care" are pointless. >.>
@franci17 This is the modern world. People are realizing that religion isn't anywhere as special as it was back in history. To some, religion is just something you celebrate on a Sunday. To others, it's their whole life. To me, it's something I don't believe in. But I would never insult someone else's religion just because it's how they were brought up on believing it.For the people who do bash on religion, it's because their behind a PC screen, and well, everyone gets a little more blunt because of that reason. Plus a lot of people lie just for the attention. I could bash religion if it would annoy another (if I was that type of person), but honestly. I couldn't care to do that. So there is a difference in how many people who actually hate religion for real reasons (other than religious learning in school) and the people who just troll for the attention.
The idea of this game is kinda cool in a way. But the execute of it is no where as strong as it could've been. There is no emotion in most characters in the video above. The animation is a bit lost in this game too. I'm tempted to give this game ago, since it is a bit sinister, and it's a change from most games that have been out.
@Pokemon18986 I've never played League of Legends. So I'm not too sure how that F2P model works. Some companies out there do balance their games well over the whole F2P model. But a lot of companies go for total greed, and don't care how their user base feel on the game, as long as their making in any money. (Hugely seen in the mobile gaming market)Like with my example with the new FPS game coming out (I should really look up the title of it), this company wants to make sure that players get that joyful aspect out of the game before anything else. The players who don't want to spend money can get the same benefits as the players who do spend money. But this'll be at a slightly slower rate (not being able to buy experience boosts etc). These are the F2P models I welcome.
With the whole F2P model, they also need to have one company go far out on testing it. There has been many good games on the IOS (I use this as my example since there are plenty of the F2P models out there), some of these games have amazing gameplay. But they are ruined by these timers (read my first post), which make these games unplayable for the normal user who doesn't want, nor have money to spend constantly.
We just need one company out there, to really test the waters of F2P. Make plenty of beta games, get player feedback on every aspect of this F2P model.
See what people really want to use their money on, and how to use it. And once the user and the company is happy, share this method amongst every other company out there. So people don't over do the whole F2P model, and having you spending a lot of cash for silly items, demi god modes and so on.
Kos1c's comments