Kos1c's comments

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If Pokémon is an open world adventure game to catch Pokémon, just like the Gameboy and Ds versions but in 3D (like most console games are, not 3D like the 3DS performs). This could be a really interesting game. Bare in mind that this game is based around the first 1-151 maybe the 250ish Pokémon and not around the lol-icecream and trashbag Pokémon.

Metriod. I loved this game on the Gameboy and Snes, I'm still playing emulators, and the Xbox 360 copy on the Xbox Market (forgotten it's name), but I love side scroller shooters like this. I'm hoping that the Wii U version has the elements of both. Or a first person 3D shooter, and the option to play the story mode in 2D side scroller.

I keep telling myself not to get hooked on the Wii U, mainly because the Wii was terrible for my style of gaming. But I really want a console/tablet that can play decent games (mainly Pokémon, and other major RPG's, Final Fantasy etc), in modern graphics and on the move around the house. I enjoy playing my Ipad2 in bed, playing things like Order and Chaos, Infinity Rings etc. Was hoping the same for the Ps Vita, but the remote play was a lie for release (words they are releasing it sometime though), and the release of games are generally slow (A little like the 3DS). So that is being used often but not for the titles I'd like.

If we see some game footage for these new titles, I could see myself getting a Wii U, even though I promised myself I wouldn't. That streaming tablet (AKA Nintendo's remote play) has really got my interests.

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I tried the beta, had issues with my DirectX 11 driver, and it blue screened my machine a few times. So gave up on the first weekend. I found the game interesting, but not interesting enough to actually spend money on it.

The animation reminded me much of the Sims, not sure why, but it did.

I was hoping for something a little more closer to real life when I saw the modern world MMORPG. But was slightly let down with magic classes in the game.

I had a beta key for last weeks beta that I didn't even use. I'm holding out for GW2, the beta was pretty enjoyable.

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FF7 and FF10 were the ones I really enjoyed. Shortly after they introduced the whole class changing mechanics, I grew tired of the game series.

I would love a FF7 HD remake. Or for the PSX emulator to finally be released on the Ps vita, so I could carry my PSN copy around with me.

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@mav_destroyer @GamerOuTLaWz Maybe not even then.

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Edited By Kos1c

This was looking good till the actual combat took place. I'll see how this turns out closer to its release.

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I dropped out of D3 pretty quick into it's release. I found the gearing up from Act 1 inferno to get into Act 2 was pretty annoying and slow. Since everything cost a good few million gold. As well my luck was beyond crap. I do not play D3 anymore, and with the changes they're making. I don't find myself interested in going back to the game either.

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Edited By Kos1c

Is it me, or does Carolyn sound like Mandark, from the cartoon Dexter's Laboratory?Anyways, can't wait for parts 2, 3, 4, and 5.

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Edited By Kos1c

I tried this game online earlier today. After finding the single player mode pretty nice for the hand held. Nothing new it's self, since it's just a basic FPS game. But with the online multiplayer mode. This game has a serious issue. They've given players an over powered gun right from the bat. So instead of having a nice partly skilled game. Your going against half or a whole team full of shotgun-cross bow users. The game I played earlier was a 4vs4, which took ages to get into, since every other server would disconnect before they got close to starting. Anyways, in this match, 2 people on my team ran around with this shotgun cross bow, and 3 out of 4 people on the other team did the same. They were one shotting you from close range, and almost doing the same from a further range. Games like this need testing for multiplayer, so once their balanced. It'll be a fair sale. But because, your now going to be forced to play against newbs like this. It'll ruin the experience of the game. Since the storyline will only have that one or two play throughs, and it then counts soley down to the multiplayer aspect of the game. So for my gameplay score of 7 out of 10 the other night. The online mode is a lot lower, marked at 4.5 out of ten. This is because of the endless disconnects and the newb weapon. >.

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Edited By Kos1c

It's a shame that peace walker wont be apart of this. I was really looking forward to playing it.

Also, I would've loved to seen MGS HD. They could've up dated the graphics of the game cube game for the Vita and Ps3.

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Edited By Kos1c

I'm actually enjoying my copy of Resistance Burning Skies.

I've not come across many downsides to it, other then the sound cutting out on me during the second level. But it's still a nice game for the Vita. I'm not a follower of the series. Barely played Resistance 1, and didn't touch the other two.

I mainly picked this up for something to play on the Vita, just to see how the online play is. I've not yet tried that part out. Since I got an early release copy, I had a feeling not many people would be about to set up matches. May try it out a little later tonight.

I would rate this game so far for gameplay it's self (since I've not completed the storyline yet), around 7/10.