Kos1c's comments

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Edited By Kos1c

I got my Vita on the first day it released in the Uk. It is a great piece of kit, which is let down by no real games out for it. Uncharted was the only decent game for the handheld. Sony need to push some more games out ASAP, and tell other designers to hurry up with game releases. Since this is the only reason my Vita is sitting on the side collecting dust. Bring on the PSx emulator, a huge PSP game sale, and the wanted PS3 game remote play! And I wont put the thing down. Oh, and Little Big Planet Vita edition!

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Edited By Kos1c

I played Tera in the beta, and found it an alright game. But found issues with it shortly after (No LFG system, mob tagging system, etc). I found out after the game went live they had introduced a LFG system. I didn't rush out to buy Tera (still don't own a copy). This was only because of how En Masse did their beta testing (It was a HORRIBLE testing, since information was scares and they kept reseting peoples toons) which put me off playing the game in retail. My close friend has been telling me it's better in retail over beta, but it's a choice out of Tera or D3 (don't really want to get both, but may consider it).

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Edited By Kos1c

I would like to see some footage and have a proper interview video with Bethesda. As an Elder Scrolls MMO could be something good. But with most MMOs, the combat is really lacking compared to single player games.

For the amount of time I put into World of Warcraft, I wouldn't want to see another game repeat the same combat with different graphics (Rift, SW:TOR etc.). It would need to have a brand new feel to the game, and something that isn't just new combat with old features (Tera), but something with new combat and modern day features from games of WoW, Rift and SW:TOR (Gw2).

I hope it wont be too long before we see some type of combat videos to Elder Scrolls online.

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Edited By Kos1c

@blackwingzero I fail to see how SCEA are knocking off their own game?

Since they made Mod Nation Racers and LBP Karting. I just don't understand how improving their first title with a different graphic setup (LBP texture), modes and game play is knocking off a game that they designed.

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Edited By Kos1c

This is what I thought Mod Nation Racers was when I first heard of it. After seeing rough videos of the editor. I thought we were getting a LBP racing, instead of Mod Nation.

I'm glad they gave up that stupid franchise and used a well respect/liked title instead.

I'm just really hoping that this game isn't as bad as Mod Nation Racers, because there was a lot of faults with it (AI progressed way to quickly, loading times etc).

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Edited By Kos1c

This is one title I can't wait for. I will for sure get the vita copy. Barely been using the Vita since the lack of games. This title will make me not put down the handheld. =D

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Edited By Kos1c

I'm confused why everyone is so swore about this... Blizzard (or Activision) have made it legal to share goods within their game for real life money. Say you bought the game for $60, and you then found 5 items which are rare and they are worth $20 each. Blizzard takes of $1 per item, so you loose out $5 from your $100 profit, then they take of 15% from that (95$, is $14.25) if you decide to transfer it to your Paypal account. You are still $21.25 up from when you bought the game. If your making more money then you actually put into the game, I don't see how people can complain. I'm looking to play D3 because it looks like a great game. The auction house feature didn't make me side with buying it or not, it's a bonus feature if I do choose to use it (most likely will, since a few £ here and there from gaming is always nice).

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Edited By Kos1c

APB was one of the worst games I've tried twice to see if I could like it. First time around I reached around lvl 6-8, and got bored. Because It was more fustration over fun. The next time around, I joined with 3 other friends of mine. We groupped up, and di a bunch of missions. Every mission we were in, we were faced against people much higher level. Usually 4 of us vs two guys, who had powerful weapons, and were 4-5 levels higher then us. With gear perks etc. We all instantly quit that same day, since it was just unbalanced. Being owned by two guys, without a chance of killing them was pointless. Because of this system, I am unlikely to ever try a free2play game again, since if you want an avantage you need to spend the cash. When I'd rather spend the cash on owning agame, and farming the loot with friends.

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Edited By Kos1c

The only thing that pissed me off with the vita was there was no 16gb or 32gb cards anywhere in sight for the UK launch. I could of spent that extra money on a big card and be happy that I had money stolen off me by the fat cats. But now, I had to suffer with an 8gb card and then soon either transfer data around often to keep active games on it. Or Spend more f*cking money to please those fat cats with getting a bigger card. Sony, you really messed up on the new SD cards. Give it a few months and people will hack your new cards. So thanks for screwing over the average person with the new machine.

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Edited By Kos1c

@IanNottinghamX I completely agree with the end of your comment. Nintendo are being that unique company as of late. They are the ones taking the future features of gaming first. They were the ones who wanted 3D gaming back in 2001 with the Game Cube, then they brought us the Wii with motion gaming. Now back to your point, it is down to sweet and sour. The sweetness of console gaming on the go, or the sweetness of unique new fun genre gaming. The sour is to dislike either of the standards. Which I'm lately finding out I'm disliking the route Nintendo are taking. I'm realizing I'm one of those gamers who like things solid and basic, good graphcs, long game play, and something that doesn't take me away from my controller and to then swing my arms around with a remote. The 3DS did come back to the basic gaming to a point, but it just didn't fill up all of my gaming needs. I just hope the Ps Vita is able to do it. Because as what most people worry smart phone/tablet gaming is a lot cheaper and does as well as these consoles do with entertaining the user, and I would just stick to my Ipad2 and let my Ps Vita collect the dust (which I hope doesn't happen).