Personally I disliked the whole F2P model. But that is because when it first came out, it was heavily based on the pay to win side of things.Some companies have done good with the whole F2P model, with a renting system like in Black Light Retribution. But honestly, the whole renting system really bores me, if you choose not to pay to rent an item. You work on renting the item(s) you want, and then a few days later they're taken away so you gotta re-work on them again.
I think there is a new FPS coming out, which has the same leveling system as the Call of Duty games. Where you level up to gain new guns, and new unlocks. In this F2P game, they are bringing a boost system. With this, they'll only be selling items that can increase experience rates, and other minor things. Which don't balance the game your way if you open your wallet. Things like the system above are welcomed. I think GW2 has something on the lines of this. Where it only boosts your own character slightly, but doesn't make you a demi god.
But the more games that become F2P, the less you actually get out of the game. Look at World of Warcraft, you pay a monthly subscription, updates are free. But they charge for additional charges (Server Transfers, Faction Changes, Name/Race changes etc).If you look at the IOS F2P games. They give you a nice gaming feel when you play for the first 5-10mins. But as soon as the whole freemium part of the game goes away, they charge you for every single thing possible.The last game I played was a Diablo look-alike on the Ipad called "Heroes Call."In this game, you get small missions, and items that need identifying while your dungeon crawling. For each mission you get, you got to wait a certain amount of time. Mission #2 is 5mins, '#3 is 10mins and so on. If you don't want to wait this amount of time, you can buy a item to skip it.If you find items that need to be identify, you can use scrolls or get a free identifying guy in town to do it for you. But again you got to wait a certain amount of time. Or pay to have it done instantly.These charges are minor, but will build up over time.This game also has a buy gold feature, and a feature to buy diamonds to get items that can only be obtained by using your credit card.Now, every single source of this game has been milked for cash. This is the reason why I hate F2P models. As soon as you hand out a free game, make it play-able on some sort of acceptable level, or charge people for the full product.
I tried playing this on the Pc at my friends. I was enjoying it but I got side tracked and ended up exploring way to much and having 30-50 quests and just got lazy. I actually just bought this moments ago for the Ps3 of eBay, since I've always wanted to play this game properly. And as I play the Ps3 on a more casual level, this is the type of game I could spend some nights on before bed. I would love to see this style of game reach the Ps Vita. Since this is what Fable should've been in my opinion. Has the simple combat, and a easy but decent talent/Rpg elements put into it. Can't wait for my Ps3 copy to come through the post. I'll be up for a Kingdoms 2, but as I've not played much of the first one, my opinion isn't as strong. But from remembering my experience from the demo and the hour of playing the Pc copy. I'm all in for a number 2.
The gameplay from this trailer looked a little like Call of Duty but with the graphics and destruction of Battle Field 3. I'll wait till it releases before considering to buy it or not.
The whole rooting this new device sounds interesting. And for them to allowe it is even better. But I'm not sold on the whole free to play model games at the moment. If they have in-game adverts, I'll skip it, unless the whole rooting makes it worth while.
@reilly303 @Fayt1986 @ainouta Yeah, most mmo RPGs have taken on the same combat system (other than tera) but without the smooth animations, and the feel of each attack actually striking your target, it removes the real feel to combat. The secret world was a nice concept, seeing as its in modern day times, and it's a horror theme, but the gameplay felt really poor when I tried the beta.
Omg if they release borderlands 2 for ps vita, I wouldn't put the thing down. Borderlands 1 is one of my fav games out there. And with borderlands 2 fixing the small issues that was in the first, It would be an amazing title to have on the vita. Even though I'm getting a Pc copy of this game, I would still get a ps Vita copy too if it got released on it.
I picked this up, I've not yet played it. I'm not the biggest MGS fan about. I prefer MGS1 over any of the others out there. But without the Gamecube HD remake, I wouldn't see myself playing it again, unless the PsV gets it's PSX emulator. Anyways, from the small testing I tried out on the tanker. The graphics are nice, the gameplay is something to get used to for the Vita. But there is two down sides so far. One is no Peace Walker, this was a huge let down. Means I gotta spend about 20 bucks to get a digital copy of a game, which should've been free. Also, loading times are a bit long on the Ps Vita. But nothing un-bareable. Also, with the whole debate of Peace Walker being a PSP download. Honestly, I wouldn't mind spending 10-20 bucks on the HD remake for Vita, instead of buying the PSP edition.
These guys did a great job when it came to Little Big Planet. It was in it's own genre. A simple design in a game (kinda like Mario meets a physics engine), but it took off well.
I'm dying to get my hands on Little Big Planet Vita, was the sole reason why I bought one. Sucks that Sony didn't advertise the beta keys that well. Found out 3 weeks after they were handed out. >.<
I'm curious on what Media Molecule are working on next.
Kos1c's comments