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Kristhetvgirl2 Blog

CP list is acting wonky again...

Please read my SUBMISSIONS GUIDELINES. So I'm not editor for Dark Angel again since the contributor points list for former TV Tome editors is acting up again! I hear they're working on it though so I won't rant about it...too much. Though I want my points back, thank you very much! :( Looks like I've also "lost" Young Hercules (uh only 10 points?! I think not!). snide's blog says it's been worked on and they're taking it super-seriously. Good. ;)

All is right...

Please read my SUBMISSIONS GUIDELINES. Alrighty so's bug of everyone hitting level 50 is fixed! I'm back to my justifiable level 22 (a Freak and Geek). Plus I still have Dark Angel's guide, shatterdaymorn is catching up, but not quite there yet. :) But congrats to shatterdaymorn for making it to level 50 justifiably! ;)

Holy level jump!

Here's the link to my SUBMISSIONS GUIDELINES blog entry. Um how did I jump from level 22 yesterday to level 50 today? Hello? Not that I'm complaining, I'm just wondering how I jumped 28 levels in one day. I sure as hell didn't make that many contributions. Plus the Contributor listing is down again and apparenly shatterdaymorn surpassed me as editor for Dark Angel, but I cannot see our scores yet to verify this. Hello fix the bugs please!

New level, score bug & good contributors

Here's the link to my SUBMISSIONS GUIDELINES blog entry. I'm up a new level right now (level 21 Snagglepuss), but I'll probably jump to a new one at the next update. On the tad annoying side, there seems to be a bug right now, contributors aren't showing up on the main page of TV shows. I wanted to check my scores for a few I'm not editor of, but contribute to. Can't right now apparently. BTW I just want to take a moment to thank the great contributors to my guides. Lately you've all been doing an awesome job. Thanks! :)'s American/Canadian issues

Here's the link to my SUBMISSIONS GUIDELINES blog entry. So my Canadian patriotism popped up today. In August I PMed snide asking that one of the Canadian series guides that I run, Da Vinci's Inquest have its titled changed to its new season 8 title Da Vinci's City Hall, but also keep it so if people search for it, then they find both. The new season begins in October on CBC here in Canada. My PM was never responded to by snide. This week I posted on the Support & User Submission Questions forum asking for someone to change it. The responses I got mostly agreed that since the series is currently airing in the USA under that title, that that's the way it should stay. HUH? Hello people, it's a Canadian series! Does that mean I should also scrap the original Canadian airdates and just list when this show aired in the US? Also a few said they figured would just open up a new series for this. Well I really hope that doesn't happen! It's not a new series, its season 8 of the series! The reason this annoys me, not that fact that they won't change the name (see below ***) but the very American responses I received to my post. :( Here's the post: Change series name: Da Vinci's Inquest. Sorry to my American TV friends, but unless you're Canadian you may just not understand what the "eh?" I'm talking about. ;) ***I can see why the title won't be altered though. Cuz I also edit the show seaQuest, DSV, and for its third season it underwent a title change as well: seaQuest, 2032. But the series isn't listed as the third season name, rather the seasons 1-2 name. So obviously doesn't change the series names, and I'll have to live with it I guess. *shrugs*

Trusted User status, submissions & complaint

The editor for McLeod's Daughters was gracious enough to grant me Trusted User status. Thank you rleedham! Here's the link to my SUBMISSION GUIDELINES blog entry. BTW I've updated this, notably in the Notes section - I didn't know that had certain rules about it, and I've now altered my guidelines to fit that. Apparently the notes section is for off-camera notes about an episode, not for on-camera plot revelations. Plus I knew from a few fellow editors that they've had the Mod Staff step into their approvals and do them themselves, mostly within a day of the submission being sent in. Now I've had it happen to me with the Charmed guide. Luckily they were submissions from a very good contributor (PinkPrincess06) who I trust, but I'm annoyed that they only sat there for a day or two, and I just hadn't had a chance to get to them. Why do editorless shows' submissions sit for weeks and a current show with a very active editor gets stepped on by the Mod Staff the very day of the submission? That's a bit much - what if I was away for a weekend? Imagine what would get approved...sheesh. Plus submissions I sent in for McLeod's Daughters before I was made a trusted user were only sent in for a couple hours before the Mod Staff approved them without the editor's knowledge. That's just not cool. :( Oh and I finally finished tidying up season 4 of Charmed. On to season 5, except I will go back and edit the Notes section for seasons 1 through 4, since that off-camera/on-camera notes rules was unknown to me until today! :)


I was just made editor for Dinotopia, which I was editor of on TV but didn't have enough points after the transfer. Added some needed info and got boosted up to the editor status now. Cool. :) Haven't had much of a chance to update my guides this past week, spent most of my time doing a few contributions here and there to a few shows I don't edit and doing my Edit Queue approvals. Thanks to all those great contributors! :) Since I haven't been doing that many of my own contributions, my level is staying at a pretty steady Level 19. Here's the link to my SUBMISSION GUIDELINES blog entry.

Good news, bad news..

Bad news: I was surpassed in contributions for McLeod's Daughters, so no editor status for me. I'm 100 points under the current editor. :( Darn. Good news: my submissions for McLeod's Daughters have almost all been approved (with just a few pending), and I'm now editor for 21 Jump Street. Pending submissions: I now only have 14 pending submissions still, mostly for actor pages and a few guides that I used to edit on TV Tome but don't have enough points to become editor on here. Basically cuz they're shows that only aired 1 season (or less) and there's not enough info needed for them. Here's the link to my SUBMISSION GUIDELINES blog entry.

Top 5 editor list!

Yowza! I check out snide's profile today and find my name mentioned: I haven't put the top 5 editor list up in awhile and I noticed some movement... so here you go: 1. Gislef [3690] 2. ChrisG0522 [3272] 3. DennisKytasaari [2192] 4. MasterAndrew23 [1389] 5. Kristhetvgirl2 [1365] Hehe look it's me! Very cool indeed. :) fuddle2 PMed me yesterday, he's retired from the 21 Jump Street guide so once that's approved I should be officially appointed editor. Cool. I'm usually on here on a daily basis, and after I do my approvals, I head over to one of my guides to "tidy up" meaning changing the quote format or checking for spelling/grammatical errors. So far the complete guides are: Dark Angel and Roswell. While those currently "under construction": Charmed (though seasons 1-3 are done), 21 Jump Street and seaQuest DSV. Plus of course every other guide I have (just those haven't been looked at yet). Here's the link to my SUBMISSION GUIDELINES blog entry.