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Kristhetvgirl2 Blog

New Level, etc.

So I'm at a new level today "Caveman Lawyer" (Level 5) - must be cuz of the work I did on the Edgemont guide yesterday. Plus the count is in, and I finally got seaQuest, DSV back. I find it pretty funny that I have The Adventures of the Black Stallion and Disney's Hercules back since I resigned from them on TV Tome last year. But yes I did setup those guides and then only resigned because I felt I couldn't add anymore, plus I wanted to get a few more shows to work on. I'm disappointed I didn't get 21 Jump Street but since I barely have any contributions to it, it's not surprising. I'd only been made editor a couple months before the closedown of TV Tome. But I'll make some contributions and see what happens. Though I've got alot to catch up to fuddle2 since he's at almost 500 with that show, and I'm only at around 50-something. *shrugs* I've got alot to add to it, so we'll see what happens. I'm learning to live with this site, it's not my favourite, like TV Tome was, but since I'm becoming more familiar with it, and improvements are popping up on a regular basis, it's working out alright. :)


I'm not too fond of my current rank on here (Level 4 "Thighmaster") - weird indeed. Worked on my Edgmeont guide today...getting the hang of things, how to add stuff, edit stuff, etc. Finally figured out how to edit the Show Stars section on Charmed - have to hit the "Add" button and that's where you can edit as well. That should really be changed or made clearer to editors. Well it's Wednesday and I still haven't been given the seaQuest guide yet...wonder if it won't happen till tomorrow, unless whoever contributed more than me does link up their account.

It's been a week...

It's been a week...I've begun to maneuver around a little better than before. I've been trying to add new info and edit info in the guides that I'm editor of, but it's not easy. TV Tome was very user friendly. Trying to figure out why I received 30 PMs yesterday about contributions to Charmed that I cannot edit (like in the show stars section - no Mark McGrath should not be listed as a star of the series, he will be a recurring character for season 8, not in the main theme credits!). It's not very fun being an editor and having no control over incorrect info being added to your guides. Hopefully they'll get that worked out, sooner rather than later. My brother, user JeffM2 finally got his account all hooked up, and so far maintained his editor status for "The Visitor" (otherwise he's top contributor for his other shows pages). I'm curious why I have a contribution count of 98 for seaQuest, DSV but am not listed as editor...Apparently the count for editor is supposed to be 80. Perhaps there's someone above me, whose account hasn't been linked yet? I don't recall that being the case when I edited the series on TV Tome.

Jury's still out...

Well the jury's still out, I really don't like this setup, but I'm attempting to deal with it. I'm annoyed about the shows that show me as top contributor but as of yet don't show me as editor (because they're under the 80 - except there was one I found that I am above that but not listed as editor - we'll see what happens as of Friday). I lost a couple of shows but I'm not worried about them, they went to good people. I'm anxiously awaiting to see if I get all the people guides I had on TV Tome. Plus I'm annoyed that my brother (user JeffM on TV Tome) linked his two accounts yet he's still not showing up on here. And so far, snide's not answering.