KurupSoldr's forum posts
Ucharted, Ratchet & Clank Future, BurnOut Paradise. Army of Two,COD4hiryu3
uncharted and Ratchet and clank i agree, if for some reason you dont know this Army of two Burnout and COd4 will mostl ikely never as the greatest hits seems to only be for exclusive ps3 games
i think heavenly sword should be GH as well as
Yeah you can sprint with the R2 button on the default set-up. But while sprinting you can't shoot.DARKCHOAS
i have also noticed its much hard to manuever you guy while sprinting if trying to go left or right but jumping seems fine and straight ahead is good
Here is a great article on changing your PS3 harddrive, including backing up:
awesome link
[QUOTE="BostonDieNasty"]3rd time my ps3 has died fantastic Eddie5vs1
Sorry, but overall the ps3 is a very reliable console. I'm not saying some don't fail, but 3 seems excessive. In your case I think I'd start looking at user error instead of a hardware error.
i agree, one i can see two is even stretching it but 3 is starting to go down the user error road here. where do you have it stored when playing
I think it will be crap. I seen a video for it the other day and it looked terrible.x-2tha-z
Yah way to judge a game and yet you base it all on a video and not actually playing it. I dont think it will be a bust the last few socoms were not that good IMO and they still sold pretty well. this one is a much better version its taking it back to its roots of socom 1 and 2 so many changes to the maps is awesome maybe be only 7 maps but about 35-40 different when you add in all the game types, night and day and size you can play. It has good feel to it, my only gripe is my guy moves so slow imo and i have even dropped all gear to see how fast he would be when going light and still but the network will be fine when its all said and done thats the whole point of this beta Network only issues to fix.
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