Oh look, the same game again. Reviewers still too sackless to stand up and say what everyone already knows. It's the same game nintendo has made 100 times before. It's the same game they will make another 100 times because it's the only fucking thing they are capable of.
Meanwhile you've still lost your job and lost the IP you created and ironically "there is nothing you can do about it" seems to fit YOUR situation pretty well. GG
W/e speech he gives will most likely amount to "so you see, people having opinions about your product is the root of the problem, we need to remove opinion so that it stops getting in the way of corporate greed and shady business policies, cmon guys, think about all the CEO's out there whose feelings you are hurting when you say these things....you are causing their investors to question their decisions and making it harder for them to justify their salary bonus's each year".
Guy gets himself fired by insulting his own customer base. Then baffled as he is by this (probably because he's a fucking moron) he decides he needs to hold a conference where he will give a speech about what exactly?
"inspire developers as a community to rebuild the foundation of online and community through positive academic, communal, and mechanical revolution"
L0mak's comments