Didn't microsoft say something completely opposite of this not too long back. Something about how graphics don't matter when it comes to a good game. I remember them saying this in regards to how the PS4 specs completely destroys the xbone.
Gotta love it when people that have no idea wtf they are talking about speak up on behalf a group of people they couldn't be disconnected further from.
"I think that gamers are ready for always online" I'll be here watching and laughing as xbox launches and then fails fucking miserably because of this very feature.
I can't wait till EA and MS announce all the shit they are going to try to force on people with the next box. Then get their asses thrown out of the living room by the collection of customers they claim to know so well.
Will be glorious when that day comes and all you hear from EA and MS is how humbled they are, how mistaken they must have been, and all the other excuses / apologies that will be too late to matter.
Then we can all flood Adam Orth's twitter with #Dealwithit.
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