@HomieHesAKlown I think you just gave microsoft their next big feature.
"LESS GAMES". stupid shits over there seem to think the best way to sell a console is to alienate the people who would actually want to buy the fucking thing lol.
@Henrique2324 He's clouded by the ignorance of youth. Look at this fresh faced piece of shit. My 6 yr old has more hair on his balls then this prick has on his face.
Yet he talks as if he has any experience with wtf he is talking about, and considering how big the indie market / kickstarter / smaller developers are doing, it stands in direct contrast to the ignorant shit this guy is spewing.
Pretty much the exact opposite of what he says, is whats going to happen. These huge "AAA developers / publishers" out there are just going to run their IP's into the ground and spend so much money trying to make the next big thing, that when they fail it's going to cause yet another developer to go out of business (woa shocker).
Yet on the other end of the spectrum we have legitimate game developers (unlike this asshole) getting together small teams and working on humble projects that happen to be fucking amazing games. Sell them on steam for 20 bucks, not only does the consumer get an amazing product for less then half the price, but the developer actually makes more profit by cutting out the publishers and selling directly to their customers.
GG dumbass, I'll be here laughing when Ubisoft eventually burns itself out by trying to sell 600 versions of teh same game (ass creed).
"Tracks eye movement so it will pause when you look away"
LOL. have fun playing a console that pauses every time you blink. I'll be here on my pc laughing at the dipshits stupid enough to support this type of console.
L0mak's comments