Nintendo is and will always be awesome.
- They dont release a game until it is polished. -
- Their hardware never dies.
- They always include backwards compatibility.
- They havent come out against used games.
- They havent jacked us with rip off DLC.
- Online is always free.
- Wii virtual console games will be transfered to your Wii U.
On a negative note they still need to get up to date with their online systems and 3rd party support must increase (I know the Wii U looks promising, but im still not convinced.)
1. They've released games that were unpolished and worse, their unwillingness to support patches made fixes impossible. Metroid: Other M contained a bug that was game-breaking and Skyward Sword had one as well.
2. Their hardware is very reliable so I agree with that point entirely.
3. As a point of fact most of their consoles haven't been backwards compatible. They have done a good job with handhelds though. Also note the Wii U will not be b/c with Gamecube titles.
4. They haven't been vocal about used games but they were very vocal (and litigious) in attempting to thwart video game rentals in the 80's. As greed goes, they are on the same level as their peers.
5. DLC is mostly from software publishers and plenty of it has been outstanding. The only reason Nintendo didn't utilize DLC is because their online infrastructure and functionality was primitive.
6. Their online model is undercooked thus requiring a fee would be ludicrous.
7. It seems likely that both PSN and XBLA software will also be transferable to the new consoles.
Out of the seven reasons you offer, I'd say only one is a viable and consistent truth.
I also have zero faith that Nintendo will foster improved third party support.
Nice points, but to respond:
- Those games were patched (As pointed out by another poster)
- As we both said their hardware is very reliable
- Pretty much all of their handhelds are one generation backwards compatible. Their consoles were not until Wii, but how the hell are you going to make cart based systems backwards compatible (Console carts are too large). Plus the Wii U is b/c with the Wii (one generation, and of course not with the GC)
- They still havent said anything negative about used gaming (Heck, their looking at ways people can resell their digital downloads in the future)
- Kinda agree with you about not having DLC because of a crappy online conponent, but they have come out saying they want DLC to satisfying to the consumer and not just satisfying the developer with $
- Your right the online system is crappy, but it is still free
- Can you confirm this? I have seen nothing on this. Plus Sony didnt do it with the Vita.
What do you think Grammaton?
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