The 3DS will be just fine. The DS didnt come out with all those games in one year, it took many years for the titles to accumulate. Now with the 3DS system selling very well the 3rd parties are getting off the Vita hype and jumping over to the 3DS. I expect a ton of games to come out next year from this. As far as RPGs go, they take the most development time of any games. Im sure we will get a ton of RPGs, just like the DS did, but it will take atleast a year or two from now. Patience...
LJChronx's forum posts
Not even close. OoT is way better. If you really just like the overhead style of PH and ST, then you should get A Link to the Past. I can never decide which is the better game between OoT and LP. OoT is probably the better game, but I played LP when I was like 12 years old and it just blew me away. It was during the golden age of my gaming (SNES).
I just want to see more of this kind of game on handheld be it on 3DS or elsewhere.
We all do. We all do.
What? Linux still exists?
Since we all know the modern games ill do some of my older ones
- Master of Magic
- Master of Orion
- Colonization
- Hand of Fate
- X-Com
- Jagged Alliance
- Twinsen's Adventure
- Goonies II
- Duck Tales
- Zelda
- Mario 2/3
- RBI Baseball
- Rygar
- Zelda
- Mario World
- Secret of Mana
- FF 2/3
- Out of this World
- Kid Chameleon
- Flashback
- Eternal Champions
- Sonic 1/2/3
- Streets of Rage
- Shining Force 1/2
Nintendo is and will always be awesome.
- They dont release a game until it is polished.
- Their hardware never dies.
- They always include backwards compatibility.
- They havent come out against used games.
- They havent jacked us with rip off DLC.
- Online is always free.
- Wii virtual console games will be transfered to your Wii U.
On a negative note they still need to get up to date with their online systems and 3rd party support must increase (I know the Wii U looks promising, but im still not convinced.)
I already like the 3DS that can fit in my pocket. Thank you very much
This. Its supposed to be portable yo!
It will break in. Dont worry.
I pretty broke right now, so I might have to wait a couple of weeks before I get the game. But I just got internet at home, so I cant wait to get it to play multiplayer and try out the voice chat. Pretty cool that you have the option of having it always on or by pressing a button to speak.
I kind of try not to do this but I am buying this to show my support for the concept as much as anything. It seems good but not excellent. I will have to see how the real game pans out to make a real judgement. I've had it on preorder since it was possible to have it on preorder.
Yeah me too. I would like the game to sell well just so other developers, including Nintendo, start including these features in their games.
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