Yeah, a typo isn't really an "epic fail", and it's really not the game's fault that someone working for the web team made a typo, is it?
LOEAnubis' forum posts
But those are two different games, like I said before Colosseum is like Stadium, has minigames, pointless battle system, ability to use handheld Pokemon. Games likeRed, Blue, etc... are a very different than what has been previously presented on the home consoles, so you are asking for something entirely different than what we have gotten before.
The handheld market is the bread and butter of Pokemon, that will never change.
Well, first I have to ask what you mean by the "good ones on the N64" because if you like something like Pokemon Stadium, Pokemon Colosseum isn't that different. The only other N64 games were Snap, Puzzle League (which is just Panel De Pon with a Pokemon twist), and the horrible Hey You Pikachu.
But a full fledged Pokemon game on a home console probably won't happen. And truthfully, I wouldn't want to play a full game on the TV, I would rather play it on the go on a handheld.
You just have to love that they were all gaming related. In the books, the book also had the name on the band that Kim and Scott had, Sonic and EPIC cast. That Wallace Wells oh man he is funny! If there are bands like that in Toronto, Canada I would move there in a heartbeat!
It was a good adaptation of the books, changed a few things but nothing world breaking. I'm actually going to see if again with some friends this week.
- Yes, it is EarthZeroor Earth Prime in the current continuity. PS, Bruce didn't "die" see the very last page of Final Crisis and the subsequent Return of Bruce Wayne storyline for more.
- I believe so, DKR may not, but I can't recall.
- That would be Earth Prime, Damien Wayne is the current Robin
- Look for anything with the word Crisis in it, or Zero Hour, which screwed things up even more than normal.
- Just different storylines. Sometimes they will cross over, like in BftC or Hush. Same thing with Superman and Action Comics and all of the others, or like any of the many X-Men comics out there.
But those are just cosmetic... the presentation really doesn't look that much different from last year. I mean it looks okay, but nothing really different to me.
The standard answer since October of 2005
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Try posting this in the DS Recomendation Thread ;)
But as a side note, don't get any of the Mega Man Star Force games... utterly awful.
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