George Lakoff is one of the best Cognitive Scientists out there. He has been trying to explain how the right manages so much support in the US even when their ideas are completely absurd. I think he does a good job based on the latest evidence in cognitive sciences. George Lakoff: How Right-Wingers Scam People Into Buying Their Toxic Philosophy Here is what progressives can learn from right-wing messaging. man. William McKinley was assassinated by progressives that were afraid that he was going to win his reelection after winning the Spanish-American War, so they killed him. They did it so he wouldn't stall their plans of putting a progressive (Theodore Roosevelt) in office. Roosevelt liberated Panama from Columbia, in order for the US to control the canal. Wilson enacted the Federal Reserve Bank. Hey guess which presidents won the Nobel Peace Prize? Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Barack Obama, all progressives. No propaganda there. You want things to move forward? Put a progressive in office.
LOXO7's forum posts
[QUOTE="-Sun_Tzu-"][QUOTE="chessmaster1989"]Oh f*ck this why did I even bother.sonicareTypical leftist cop-out You're both filthy communists or was it socialists? I can't remember. You marxist swine have me confused. All of us are talking about nothing. To sum up, Chessmaster misread Kraychik and tried to show him what he supposedly said. This is issue is not worth four comments.
I would rather donate my money to a real charity (you know, one that actually helps people) than a political campaign.[QUOTE="whipassmt"]
Not really. We spend the entire primary season seing rich millionaires and billionaires constantly sending cash to the candidates. It's still happening on both sides.
I agree 100%. Jus timagine what the estimated 2 billion used this election could do in the hands of charities. A lot of people could be fed and housed.
But how would people know who to vote for? In a current thread people are answering which TV show is better to get addicted to. TV is very important to them. More than using their time watching TV to find how and where they can volunteer.My definition on them is that they're just words. But to your question the majority finds words offensive. An example is from the, "That's so gay campaign.
I feel that after the sham that was the Iraq War (business opportunity), a large portion of the American people will think twice about blindly following or sending their children off to War based on the Presidents word.
I hope to God this is the last we have seen of War... but if it comes I see the U.S bringing back the draft out of nessessity.
Your thoughts?
What the hell are you smoking? How was the Iraq wae a business opportunity? WE GOT NO OIL. I think we should have taken their oil for the cost of building their country (not rebuilding dont get it confused)
Just because you can't see the opportunity or the fact that it was a half failed opportunity does not take away from the fact that it was an attempted business opportunity.
... and what is all this "WE" talk. I have now seen 3 of you use the word "WE". There is no WE. There is the common man and then there is the Government. Did you think you would be getting profit cheques from the oil?
Wake up people... Jesus.
You're the one in an illusion. We elect the government.[QUOTE="airshocker"]So you admit the economic situation is a Republican strategy to increase enlistment!? Seriously though I think it's going to be harder for the US to get international allies but when it comes to recruits the culture of the US ensures that it will continue to be quite easy to fill the ranks. Why you say only one side when both sides voted for a war against terrorists?No they won't.
In this economy EVERYONE is trying to join the military.
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