I've recently picked up the Star Wars books again, reading from Heir to the Empire onwards. I did a little research regarding how many New Republic and Legacy books there are, and I lost count multiple times. For any avid Star Wars readers here, is there a good cut-off point? Where the story seems to stagnate, and characters lose realism? I'd like to read from the Old Republic books sometime, but I honestly don't know if I'll live that long, with all the New Republic & Legacy books!
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I was really curious.. until i saw it had the dance part.Rattlesnake_8
Agreed. I really liked the idea of battling Vader, learning to use the lightsaber properly - but with the dancing on it... I'm not so excited about buying it. I don't like leaving things unfinished on games - especially games with segments like Kinect Star Wars has. But, even THAT won't get me playing as Leia doing some stupid dances haha.
'fail at life' is a vague term really... Fail, financially? Spiritually? Socially? I think that everyone should do what works for them. If playing video games for the majority of the day is the only way someone can find fun and happiness - why not do that? I'd rather be a happy, fulfilled average-paid guy, than a depressed and socially isolated judge / professor.
I've always liked Dust. I bought it, haven't completed it due to the increase in challenge, but I think the concept is great. The demo had me hooked, I played through that about 3 times before purchasing the full game.
I haven't yet purchased I Am Alive, but it seems to have some very interesting features. Aiming an unloaded gun at an enemy usually produces no positive effect, but on I Am Alive the results can be quite rewarding :)
I also like the Secret of Monkey Island 2: Le Chuck's Revenge. I'm not really the most retro-loving gamer, so I played through like 90% of it in HD / 'modern' graphics, but the ability to switch graphics at any time is pretty cool.
LA Noire. Not sure what people see in this POSIAmNot_fun
Agreed. I got around half-way in (I imagine), and the repetition was mind-numbing. I thought LA Noire had some interesting features like the very realistic lip-syncing during speech, but it's not the best game produced by Rockstar in my opinion. Not by a long shot.
I guess it's probable haha. Depends what you'll qualify as a nerdy subject. If advanced sciences are nerdy, I'm certain there are some who haven't played games. If you mean the kind of sci-fi addict 'nerd', it'd be less likely but I'm sure some of them are out there =D
I don't really 'hate' many games I've played. Some of them that I didn't like though included Halo Reach, Halo ODST, any Call of Duty after WaW, Crackdown 2 (I preferred #1) and I guess Gears of War 3.
I'd go paintball if asked I guess, but I wouldn't do airsoft. Some of my friends' ideas of 'airsoft' includes shooting birds or small mammals. I think that's where it goes from 'fun' to barbaric. I also wouldn't spend my money on high-priced replica guns. I imagine quite a few people see airsoft as a gateway for a severe interest in real armaments, and I guess I agree with that.
I'd much rather spend my time and money learning, relaxing or on something productive.
I'm a big fan of hip-hop, and I've gotta say this made me slightly cringe. Everyone feels the urge to crossover into rap nowadays; Bieber, Chris Brown, and now Katy Perry? Keep in your own game.
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