@decoy1978 @LeviHarris It's a powerful system with a lot of cool capabilities, but I want some original IPs or something that isn't a port of an old PS3 game.
@queuing_for_PS4 @LeviHarris I've already got MGS HD on consoles and have played the hell out of each and every one of those games time and again. So I'm cool with not having them on the go. And Uncharted didn't do it for me, especially since the console versions are far superior. Honestly, I want it to bring my old PSN games with me.
And I fail to see how me waiting for a better deal is my loss...it's actually my gain since I'm saving money.
Drop it to $200 bucks here in the States and I'm on board. I've been flirting with getting one after the PS4 announcement, but I'm not going to pay $250 for a handheld. Especially when I can get a console for the same price with tons of storage built in. If they want to compete with the 3DS and reach a wider base here in the states, they're going to have to sell it at more of a loss and make it up with their ridiculously priced memory cards and actually develop some games for the damn thing.
Not sure how I feel about this. I love this series, but because of the dual narrative and the subject matter. (Man, trying to be spoiler free is annoying) It's going to be difficult to do that now since Desmond's story is essentially "wrapped up." I don't want some scattershot story that's thrown together just to make their annual Assassin's Creed yearly launch. Take a few years off, make another great AC game and release it when it's ready. Personally, I loved AC3, but I'm getting tired of the engine and current gen limitations. Four AC games in 5 years is a bit much. Granted they're better quality than any Madden or COD game, but I'd really hate to see this series slip into the repetitive, non-innovative tripe I just mentioned.
@Suikogaiden @LeviHarris Don't need a lesson in business, but I completely agree with your second point. Still, the figurehead is just that, the figurehead.
@Suikogaiden @bamer640 Yes, because a company that just dropped $650 million dollars is hurting in the financial department. It's called corporate greed, not Obamanomics.
LeviHarris' comments