One of the better practical uses for the original Kinect was dashboard browsing. If they can refine it so you don't have to use your entire arm and make it accurate enough to use finger swipes and voice to type, they could have something pretty substantial. There could also be some pretty compelling gaming experiences used with increased accuracy and less latency. Still, I'll wait to see what they officially announce before I pass judgement.
Agreed. Unless they implement some kind of kick-ass online deals and sales (Steam, ahem!), I'll be less likely to buy one of the new systems. Very rarely do I pick up a game on day one, and very rarely do I pay cash for said games. I'm of the philosophy of having a working rotation of five to eight games in my library and when enough time goes by and I realize I'm never going to play a game, it's time to trade two or three in toward the next game I want.
While this is all rumor and speculation I believe it'll be a serious misstep for the new systems to block used game sales. If I'm paying $60-$70 dollars for something, I better damn well own it and be able to do with it what I please. The day when ownership of a game ceases to mean ownership of a game is the day I start to grow up and realize it's time to stop playing games. It'll be hard to say goodbye to 29 years of excellent memories and experiences, but I'll boycott the shit out of this greedy play structure if that's what it takes.
@IgotEpixx when the regulars take over territory later in the game you murder them as well...not sure what anyone is complaining about. oddly enough, the Catholics didn't say peep when you killed thousands of them in AC2 and its pseudo sequels.
Looks like someone is just jealous that there's not a video game lobby that's as big as the film lobby in Washington. These Senators need kickbacks, guys.
LeviHarris' comments