oh alright, thanks. yeah it is a little annoying.
Link2legends' forum posts
Do you always have to select the hdd as the storage device when you want to load a game? Everytime I want to play a game and load from where i saved, it asks me to select a storage device. I thought it did that automatically?
If you want to connect two computers onto the internet without losing the speed, i sugget you get a router.Yorro
Can you check the two i posted a few replies above, or recommend me one. Also, what do the letters G & N mean, and which one should i go for.
[QUOTE="teddyrob"]You can just use Ethernet crossover cable.opamando
I thought a cross over cable was for connecting two PC's together, not connecting two to the same internet connection.
I think what he needs is a router or a switch, but I am not to into networking though.
yeah thats what i mean, to connect two computers to one internet, not to one another.
ok well i dont have a router, so which one would you recommend. im going for something cheap like one of these two.
would it slow down my internet connection? or like split the speed between the two comps?
Also, can you give me a link to one you think is a bang for the buck. I am thinking of hooking up either just my two comps or, if not 3 comps and a 360.
I have dsl internet, i need to hook up two computers to it. I want to know if I have to buy one of those networking things, if so which one would you suggest. I also would like to know what the letters mean like G & N. I would also like to know if wireless is reliable and efficient, im dont really like wireless but w/e. Any help and recommendations would be appreciated.
Also, i have like 3 to 4 dsl boxes, i dont know why, i just do. I remember a while back i tried to make the dsl plug go into a split phone line connection, then hooking them up to two diff dsl boxes. But the result was one would have internet for a while, but then it would switch and the other would have internet for a while.
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