When I unplugged my ps3 to bring it to my friends house The ps3 wouldnt show up on his tv. Hes dosent have a hd tv and I couldnt plug in my hdmi cable. So how can I play my ps3 on his old tv. sorry I forgot the name of it. I thought if I bring it to his house it would automagically switch stander tv.
I guess Im a collector I have alot of games on the n64 gamecube ds and the ps2. I use to sell my games but now I dont. I would have atleast 30+ ps3 games but I only own 20, I want to get alot more like uncahrted 3.
I do know if I posted this or if somepone already did but I try looking though google and nothing really came up. I just want to know if anyone here knows a site where they show how much a games dlc were bought. I just want to look at some game like little big planet dlc uncharted 2 and others. Thanks if anyone could help.
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