And its a blast I try infamous 2 the demo and didnt like it but then I wanted to try it again so my brother got me this game and its preety darn good. I like being evil. The only thing is that you die easy. Is infamous 2 likt the first one and do you get alot of new attacks.
MI live in a small house I my room is small. The tv I got in there is so small. Yeah I might get the 22 inch and I can save up for a bigger tv later on. I just wanted a new tv that I can play my ps3 on. There is also a good deal at walmart thats selling a 26 inch tv for obnly 200 bucks so I might get that.
Yeah Im getting it. But do I need to buy the hdmi cable or something I know its only a 22 inch tv.Yeah I did read the rewiews sit sound like a really good deal.
At amazon they are selling a 22 inch hd tv for 170 - 180 bucks. I know its small but I need a tv in my room so I can play the ps3 on. And should I buy the hd cable thing too its only 1 cent at amazon too. Sorry for my grammer or misspelling. I cant afford more then a 200 doller tv.
Im going to get mag and I dont no nothing about it. Is it fun. I want to get into fist person shooters. Is there alot of people online and that uses mics to.
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