Heres the video I know this video is crappy but alot of people wanted me to make this video. I tell why mario game suck. ps I you do is save pecah. Plus the last boos is Bowser I never knew that. Hmm Make a new boss who is it oh yes is boowser jr. good job nintendo. And I was a big fan of nintendo back in the day. Sorry I am typing fast.
I think its only for eruope. But I watched it on youtube and Im getting it. It looks really fun and I like some of the new guns. I think you can pick any characrter out of the 4.
I got alot of friends but they are at school. My psn name is the same as my gamespot name. The online games that I have are little big planet 1 and 2 marvel vs capcom 3 uncharted 2 resident evil 5 split second naruto blazeblue cs and skate 3. I will be getting uncharted 3 and the new rachet game this year. I mostly play little big plaent 2 but I do play uncharted 2 andmarvel vs capcom 3 when someones want to play me. Oh I do got a mic well kinda I got the ps eye and I liike voice chatting. sorry if I spelled anything wrong or this dosent make sense. I do createw levels on lbp2 so if ur a creater hit me up. Please add me if u want.
Im getting a 22 inch hd tv and my room is very small so I would say get it. There is a 3d 24 inch hd tv coming out soon I think for 499 that sonys going to sell.
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