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LordKingboat Blog

a wish pt.3 last rambling was a little confusing! I do not, in any way shape or form...condone a military invasion/response of any country, that funds terror! I "do" support, "brown" options! (brown)....quasi legal!. ...hey, I am all for popping the "guy" that decides where the i.u.d. gets placed. more importantly, the fella at the "bank", who just "washed" the "money"! Money, thats the equation and the answer... The marines are already in the "kingdom"...let them make the arrests and then, have them tried at the Hague! (all hands) Iran, Syria and Jordan also support the war on "terror"!....but, not like Saudi, they "own" it! A sleeper cell just got busted in the U.S. yesterday! Kingboat, going to war... Keep in mind, the real criminals, are bankers, ship captains, governments, border patrol and tax payers! I dont have to offer numbers, it's already available and free! Dave, not done!...

A wish pt. 2. continued from the previous blog, "the war on terror"! I do not, in any way, shape or form, declare my idea, of an open invasion of the "kingdom"! (you yanks are already there)! My issue, why do counties in the middle east, or the "sub-continent", support democracy, when in fact, they spend kill, north americans....basically, yanks?... Yup, totally not done with this, I have friends in "the east" whom agree in "principle", but not, the "conclusion"! I am not here to preach religion, nor ideology...just the simple basic and let live. Here is my argument, they kill a few of us, we respond with a military approach,...they think..."good start", now they have a few thousand to kill... Here is my math, close down the "World Bank", stop sending money to third world nations that are run by "puppets", who purchase weapons, to kill, those whom are "moderate"! More importantly, the illiterate, who are preached at, to use weapons...that stop the "fight"!, and offer the "final solution"! ( Moms. "do not" like burying their children...EVER!) I define the term "weapon", as such...whatever it takes to rob the "hearts and minds" of those who want to change our way of life! I love everyone, every single miss-guided soul on our planet. I welcome, everyone, who chooses the country, I was born in, as their home! However, try to take away our freedoms and yes, those folks, you cowards chased away...are here too! I am at the point where I want to re-enlist...only if "they", (the yanks) want to do "the job" right! the American Marines say..."all hands?", or in my country..."who's in?"! I am, Kingboat, is ready...

3 Feathers, a wish and the Tank.

Props to Bob! My fave tune of all time, actually beat out Elvis Presley...who happens to be my "mostest" favorite artist?...Three Little Birds, FTW! Ahhhhhhh, "Time to run" The Forgotten Rebels. (nuf 'bout the music!) A wish,... I find it ironic and somehow...relavent, that the current state of world affairs, have us "hating" each other based on religious bias. I want all of you to stop and think, just "THINK" and ask yourself...who profits from your acrimony, derived from a government funded approach, to better your understanding as to why there is an increase in tax! Hey, don't get me wrong, I "believe" in the war on why are folks dying in a country that, at best, can arm the citizens with knives, machetes and any other type of bladed weapon! I am talking about afghanistan, hence the previous paragraph. Our governments would have us believe, that this country, is responsable for all the worlds ills. pain and loss of life from those who "volunteered" to protect us from "terrorists"! If terror is to be stopped, "we" have to go after the folks that supply the "MONEY"! The money has always come from three groups in the central continent...mostly...Saudi Arabia, well...actually...extended family of the royal family of Saudi Arabia! Right now, as we speak, our soldiers are fighting...illiterate peasants who know, only what they are told to do, by a "religious scholar"! (almost all of the "terrorists" cant read or write!) The war on terror needs to be fought, on the soil, of the "money lenders"! You, as free thinking folk, have to remember...the reason "they" hate "us" (free thinking folk)...we "accept" all those who come to North America. You yanks say it best, "give us your weak, give us your poor"! Little of topic, how can mexicans be "illegal"? More money is spent between our two great nations, (Canada and the U.S.of A.) fighting the war on terror then helping our neighbour to the south of us, Mexico. We need to do better with our brethren to the south of us! (K, off topic, concluded!) The "Tank"! So I did a little indoor rec'ball last night! (paintball) and there is this fella in a chair! (wheelchair) I called him tank after the first game we played with him! This dude, out fought the opposition! He parked his butt, took names, after he was out of paint! He was the first to advance and "hated" protective cover! This dude, "gamed"! Yup, he has a "name", but I like the new one I have given him...Sir Tank, the Robust. Kingboat, aka, Dave, gotta keep it real sometimes!

Top 10 things that, are like vacuums

10, Straws, thats ever try to "suck" a milkshake, who is the butt'hat that decided "you" need a straw? 9, Catfish, or "suckers" as we call em! 8, Television commercials...they "suck" hard! 7, "Supply teachers", more commonly know as...blackholes, they suck the life out of you and defy all known logic! 6, The A-Team, sorry B.A., you "suck" harder then "Knightrider"! 5, "Honey wagons", those are the trucks, driven by dudes, who empty and clean portapotties! That's some serious "sucketh"... 4, Cancer, gotta keep it real! 3, BP Oil, cant "suck"...enough! 2, My toilet, freaking thing's a machine from God! It totally "sucks"! ...and finally my number one thing that sucks... 1, The hungriest zombie, who, in their previous life, "lost" biggest loser and your cornered in an empty meat locker! That "SUCKS"! Kingboat, is really goofy today...

Top Ten.

10, hamburgers. 9, french fries. 8, watermelon. 7, hetro/two spirited love. 6, freedom of life. 5, ice cream. 4, apple pie. 3, xbl 2, coffee. 1, LOVE. Kingboat, very supportive!

Wedding white, brown and a new Lady.

Ah, thine royal prince's wedding went off without a hitch! She was, to put it quite succinctly, perfect, gorgeous and oh so royal! My prince is happy, as is, his new lady. Off to Maui for the honeymoon, first thing tomorrow morning! I am burnt out, fried and board whacked, going for a beer, see ya all on the flipside, Kingboat, is tired.

Weddings, funerals and paintball.

Tomorrow is the big day! His Royal Highness, Prince Matt marries the Lady Ashley. She will be welcomed into thy royal family with all the pageantry and aplomb that befits her status as a Lady and member of my court! Tis also the day I lose my greatest warrior, the only fellow who "has my back"! You see, the thing is, I like to dress up and play war...paintball war. I tend to be a head hunter, in other words I snipe. My loyal Prince, he has overwatch duties and he's damn good at what he does. More importantly, when it gets thick, we rush the front lines and don't allow "mercy"! You want to wear body take three or four rounds at 300+ fps! My marker is a milsim AR-15 with an offset red/green dot 1x scope and a 25x acog scope on the centre rail! It allows me to run and gun if needed...I prefer not to...I need to get a pistol! Kingboat, is joyous, but saddened...say...wanna do a little woodsball with me?

Social Distortion.

Woohoo, the second best american punk band of all coming to my home town in Canada! Thats right my little pasty pale nuggets...Social Distortion has graced my country and home town of toronto, ontario, of a concert date...the only canadian date on their final leg of the tour! Geez in my excitement I forgot the date...but it's in october and on a saturday eve....SATURDAY NIGHT!.....Part'eh! If you are wondering who the greatest american punk band of all time's the fracking Ramones!, then...Suicidal Tendencies! East Coast punk...RULZ! Kingboat, is excited and has pulled out his docs!

Dusk 2 Dawn!

This saturday evening is the "Dusk 2 Dawn" event! I will be playing, either Red Dead or Splinter Cell! 8pm eastern standard time is when I will be on! I have cleared it and... Kingboat has said so! xbox live members only!

E3, and all that failed...

First and formost...No Homer...wa happen? "wii move"! I waited patiently! Second, I watched the second day of the floor show and the roving "reporter"(don't know his name) he had the audacity to out a "nerd"! This poor skinny white dude, you know the type...the kind that always needed my help in high school!, scored a touch down on the PS3 Move for Madden 11...he was enthralled,(skinny white dude) I mean, come on...a touch down...the first of his life I imagine and this idiote tries to take it nerding him out! I had alot to say in that regard during the show! After my posted response, I received a new achievement from gamespot! Anywho, I digress...I thought that gamespots coverage with it's stage show was fantastic, at times boring and even irrelevant. With that being said, I still so freaking loved it all! Got inside nerd crap on games, hints, developers thoughts, programmer's stratagems and a whole wack of stuff to look forward to in the coming months that was not covered by the big three or the studio's! All I can say is this...the holiday season will be AWESOME! Dave, I did partake in all that I don't own!