Props to Bob! My fave tune of all time, actually beat out Elvis Presley...who happens to be my "mostest" favorite artist?...Three Little Birds, FTW! Ahhhhhhh, "Time to run" The Forgotten Rebels. (nuf 'bout the music!) A wish,... I find it ironic and somehow...relavent, that the current state of world affairs, have us "hating" each other based on religious bias. I want all of you to stop and think, just "THINK" and ask yourself...who profits from your acrimony, derived from a government funded approach, to better your understanding as to why there is an increase in tax! Hey, don't get me wrong, I "believe" in the war on why are folks dying in a country that, at best, can arm the citizens with knives, machetes and any other type of bladed weapon! I am talking about afghanistan, hence the previous paragraph. Our governments would have us believe, that this country, is responsable for all the worlds ills. pain and loss of life from those who "volunteered" to protect us from "terrorists"! If terror is to be stopped, "we" have to go after the folks that supply the "MONEY"! The money has always come from three groups in the central continent...mostly...Saudi Arabia, well...actually...extended family of the royal family of Saudi Arabia! Right now, as we speak, our soldiers are fighting...illiterate peasants who know, only what they are told to do, by a "religious scholar"! (almost all of the "terrorists" cant read or write!) The war on terror needs to be fought, on the soil, of the "money lenders"! You, as free thinking folk, have to remember...the reason "they" hate "us" (free thinking folk)...we "accept" all those who come to North America. You yanks say it best, "give us your weak, give us your poor"! Little of topic, how can mexicans be "illegal"? More money is spent between our two great nations, (Canada and the U.S.of A.) fighting the war on terror then helping our neighbour to the south of us, Mexico. We need to do better with our brethren to the south of us! (K, off topic, concluded!) The "Tank"! So I did a little indoor rec'ball last night! (paintball) and there is this fella in a chair! (wheelchair) I called him tank after the first game we played with him! This dude, out fought the opposition! He parked his butt, took names, after he was out of paint! He was the first to advance and "hated" protective cover! This dude, "gamed"! Yup, he has a "name", but I like the new one I have given him...Sir Tank, the Robust. Kingboat, aka, Dave, gotta keep it real sometimes!
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