I find it funny that people like Koalakommande feel that someone has to be "a hardcore WRPG" fan to buy Mass Effect. Or that if someone buys Gears of War 2 (if and when it does come out) they MUST already own the first one. This argument is flawed because of hype. To take a look outside of the video game industry, how about Shrek 2? It broke records for sales (and held them for quite awhile). If you had said "Only people who saw Shrek will see Shrek 2" you would have obviously been mistaken.
The same applies to Gears of War 2. Everyone has seen how successful and awesome the first game is, and this will cause previously skeptic people to buy the second one. Since Mass Effect is the first of its series (if there is to be one) I can't use the same argument, but I think it's obvious that you don't need to be a "hardcore WRPG fan" to buy a good game, as Mass Effect is sure to be. I'm not a "hardcore JRPG fan" but I bought FF7 because I heard how awesome it was, and I loved it.
There are no set in stone rules about who will buy certain games, and how those games will affect console sales. Stop trying to argue about the future just because the PS3 sucks in the present.
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