No. It is incredibly repetitive, just not all that fun at some points, the story is weak with no real connclusion and combat consists of mashing the square button. The only good parts of the game are the assassinations which are about 1/10 of the game.
I always try for stealth but there is no need for first person when tranqing because of the laser sight. When stealth fails, I take out my handy M4 and kill all PMCs in sight. But I use the P90 for Dwarf Gekko. And the railgun for Gekko.
This works on Solid Normal, I tried it on Big Boss Hard and got owned. I have to try and beat Big Boss Hard some day.
I'm sure LBP will be an excellent game. At least 9/10 if not 9.5/10
But I am almost certain that it will not be a 10. It is incredibly innovative, but the possiblities are not endless. They are merely enormous.
LBP is one of those things that will improve as time goes on- on October 21st, it will likely be very bare and dull. A month later and it will be full of user-created content, and will be excellent. The sad thing is that it will be reviewed a few days after release. I just hope they give it long enough to grow properly before the reviews are written.
I have a 40GB Playstation 3. When I look in 'System Information' it says I have 37 GB of space. Firstly, where is that other 3GB? Important system data or something?
Anyway, it currently reads 10/37GB free. Now I checked to see what could be causing this, and here's what I found:
-Game Data around 13GB
-Demos around 2GB
-Videos around 1GB
This adds up to 16GB so I should have 21GB left. Does anybody know where the other 11GB have gone?
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