Little Big Planet, no contest - I really think that might end up being the PS3 game of the year. I love the idea of being able to create my own game levels; I'm curious to see just how deep they really end up getting with the creator - early reviews make it sound like you can really do some seriously crazy stuff.jtemplegarage
I'm sure it'll be a great game, but PS3 game of the year is MGS4.
And LittleBigPlanet is out first, but Resistance 2 look slightly better (Online Co-op 8 people, Online competitive 60 people)
I'll definitely pick up LBP after Force Unleashed, BioShock and Resistance 2 are in my collection.
It looks fun and all, but-
-Force Unleashed is a Star Wars game. I love star wars games. Also it is out first.
-BioShock has a metacritic of 96 and a Gamespot of 9/10. Add downloadable content and it's a formula for excellence. Same day release as LittleBigPlanet.
-Resistance 2 has proper Co-Op and competitive multiplayer, both offline and online. Sounds awesome.Out third, but I need to save money, right?
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