Comes to a pretty close tie between the SNES and the Gamecube, but in the end, I would say that the Gamecube wins. There was just more variety in the Gamecube library than any other Nintendo system before it, and considering most of the greatest NES, SNES and the N64 Zeldas are available for the Gamecube, the Gamecube really is the most well-rounded Nintendo system thus far ( too early to tell with the Wii ).
The NES was a great system, but it was much like the PS1, alot of crap that didn't age well. The N64 has a handful of ground-breaking historic titles, but the systems design was terrible and so were most of the games. The N64's controller design, while revolutionary at the time, has a pretty terrible digital pad and the analog stick wears out too quickly.
#1 Gamecube
#3 NES
#4 Nintendo 64
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